According to the comments of Nate Eldredge I did revise the question. In particular I change "$C^{*}$ algebras" to "Banach algebras".
Is there a reference who introduce the following measure on Banach algebras and investigate it from the view point of Banach algebras or from the view point of ergodic theory?:
Let $A$ be a Banach algebra. We define an outer measure $ m^{*}$ on $A$ as follows: For $B \subset A$ we put $$m^{*}(B)=\mu ^{*} \left(\bigcup_{b\in B} \mathrm{sp}(b)\right)$$ where $\mu^{*}$ is the standard outer measure of $\mathbb{C} \simeq \mathbb{R}^2$. Then the Caratheodory methods gives us a measure space structure on $A$ with measure $m$. This measure is an invariant measure for both scalar translation and inner automorphism of algebras.
Does this construction gives us nothing new when $A$ is the matrix algebra? In particular is it true to say that, for the matrix algebra, a subset is measurable in this spectral sense if and only if it is mea surable in the classical sense?
As the final question: Is there a Banach algebra $A$ for which this measure construction does not lead to triviality: that is $A\neq \mathbb{C}$ would have subsets with positive finite measure?