The Frobenius coin problem guarantees that if $(a,b)=1$, then $$ax+by$$ does not represent exactly $\frac{(a-1)(b-1)}2$ numbers all below $g(a,b)=ab-a-b$ if $x,y\geq0$ holds.
Assume $m\in[0,ab-a-b]$ and assume $\max\big(\frac a b,\frac ba\big)<2$.
Approximately what fraction of numbers less than $m$ is represented by $ax+by$? In other words what is a good point-wise approximation to the function $$f_{a,b}(m)=\big|\{n\in\Bbb N_{\leq m}:\exists x,y\in\Bbb N_{\leq\min(a,b)}\cup\{0\}\mbox{ }\mathsf{ with }\mbox{ }ax+by=n\}\big|?$$
For instance, I am looking for an approximation that will explain the fact that every integer $m\in[1,\min(a,b)]$ is not represented. There seems to be more smaller non-representable numbers than larger ones. It seems lower the $m$, there are more non-representable numbers and there should be comparatively more representable numbers close to $g(a,b)$ to get upto half the numbers to be representable. What exactly is this distribution?