Are there any known examples of oriented integer homology 3-spheres $Y$ (besides $S^3$) which have exactly one Stein-fillable contact structure up to isotopy? Failing that, what are the known examples with the smallest number of Stein-fillable contact structures where one exists? Note here I am only counting Stein-fillable contact structures not other contact structures on $Y$.
There are situations where I'd like to be able to compute bounds on the maximum of the adjunction number $ad(K)=tb(K)-1+|r(K)|$ for $K$ a knot in $Y$ allowing both the Legendrian representative of $K$ to vary as well as the contact structure. I was wondering if there were cases where this was at all tractable. I have not spent much thought on the classification of contact structures, so I do not know how hard this should be.