
I want to learn Multi dimensional symbolic dynamics. can you point to any recent thesis containing a good exposition or lecture notes?

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ I don't know a lot about the ergodic theory of $\mathbb{Z}^d$-actions, but Ronnie Pavlov's 2007 thesis has a section on multidimensional shifts of finite type which might perhaps be useful: web.cs.du.edu/~rpavlov/RPdissertation.pdf $\endgroup$
    – Ian Morris
    Commented Sep 7, 2015 at 8:33

1 Answer 1


Klaus Schmidt and I wrote a survey about multi-dimensional dynamics in 2002, which you can find at: Symbolic and algebraic dynamical systems, Handbook of dynamical systems, Vol. 1A, 765–812, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 2002. A lot has happened since, but it would be a good starting point.


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