In the paper Mapping class group and function spaces: a survey, F. Cohen, M.A. Maldonado, 2014, page 3, Section 3:
for a $m$-manifold $M$, consider the disc bundle $D(M)$ in the tangent bundle $T(M)$, and define $\dot T(M)$ by the identification of two vectors that lie in the same fibre and outside $D(M)$. This gives a $S^m=D^m/\partial D^m$-bundle $\dot T(M)\to M$.
For a pointed topological space $X$, denote by $\dot T(M;X)$ the fibrewise smash product of the bundle $\dot T(M)\to M$ with $X$ to obtain a bundle $$ \dot T(M;X)\to M$$ with fibre $S^m\wedge X=\Sigma^mX$.
Let $\Gamma(M;X)$ be the space of sections of $\dot T(M;X)$.
Question: When $M$ is $\mathbb{R}^m$, I want to prove (as given in The homology of $\mathcal{C}_{n+1 }$–spaces, $n ≥ 0$. F. Cohen, page 225) $$ \Gamma(\mathbb{R}^m;X)\simeq \Omega^m\Sigma^mX. $$ How to prove this?
I have tried but failed: $$ \Omega^m\Sigma^m X=\Omega^m(S^m\wedge X)=\text{Map}_*(S^m,S^m\wedge X), $$ $$ \Gamma(\mathbb{R}^m;X)=\text{Map}(\mathbb{R}^m,S^mX). $$ They are different.