Is there any way of moving from one cat map transformation to the other without resetting parameters? For example, suppose you have two matrices '$A$'and '$B$' each permuted with different cat map parameters namely '$p_1$','$q_1$' and '$p_2$','$q_2$'. The goal is by having the permuted matrix of '$A$' under '$p_1$', '$q_1$' which we call '$A_p$' and parameters of '$B$' in this case '$p_2$' and '$q_2$', we get a matrix called '$A_bp$' which is equal to permuting the original '$A$' with '$p_2$' and '$q_2$'? obviously, we are not allowed to re-permute '$A_p$' to get '$A$' and apply '$p_2$', and '$q_2$' on '$A$'.