Let $k$ be a field of characteristic $0$, let $V$ be a finite-dimensional vector space over $V$, and let $\omega(-,-)$ be a symplectic bilinear form on $V$. In other words, $\omega(-,-)$ is an alternating form that is nondegenerate in the sense that it identifies $V$ with its dual $V^{\ast}$.
Now let $I,J \subset V$ be isotropic subspaces, that is, subspaces on which $\omega$ vanishes identically. The form $\omega(-,-)$ then induces symplectic forms on $I^{\perp}/I$ and $J^{\perp}/J$. Define a map $f\colon I^{\perp} \cap J^{\perp} \rightarrow I^{\perp}/I \oplus J^{\perp}/J$ via the formula $f(x) = (x,-x)$. The image of $f$ is then an isotropic subspace of $I^{\perp}/I \oplus J^{\perp}/J$.
A paper I am reading claims that the image of $f$ is a Lagrangian, that is, that $\text{Image}(f)^{\perp} = \text{Image}(f)$. I can't figure out how to prove this. Can anyone help?