Let $Br_n$ be the braid group and consider words in its generators (not in the inverses). Two such words define the same "positive" braid if one can be obtained from the other by commuting and braid moves. Put another way, there is a graph whose vertices are words and whose edges are these two sorts of moves, and we're interested in one connected component of this graph.
What is a set of cycles in this graph that generates its $\pi_1$?
For example, $\tau_1 \tau_3 \tau_7 \tau_9 \sim \tau_3 \tau_1 \tau_7 \tau_9 \sim \tau_3 \tau_1 \tau_9 \tau_7 \sim \tau_1 \tau_3 \tau_9 \tau_7 \sim \tau_1 \tau_3 \tau_7 \tau_9$ is a 4-cycle.
I expect it's not hard to figure out by thinking about the stratification of the space of pictures of a braid, so what I'd most like is a reference.
Also I expect the answer shouldn't be too different for Artin braid groups outside type A, and I'm interested in those as well.