A famous conjecture in topology asserts:
The Euler characteristic of a closed aspherical $2n$-manifold $M$ satisfies $(-1)^n\chi(M) \geq 0$.
This was conjectured by Hopf for manifolds with non-positive sectional curvature and (much later) by Thurston for all aspherical manifolds.
By the classification of surfaces, it holds in dimension $2$.
I am curious about the status of this conjecture in dimension 4.
It seems as if the special case for manifolds with negative sectional curvature was settled by Milnor, as explained in this paper by Chern. Undoubtedly, the more general conjecture by Thurston is much younger. I wonder if the general version has some kind of reformulation in less manifoldy and more algebraic terms. More precisely, I am curious about the following.
- For which fundamental groups of aspherical $4$-manifolds is the $4$-dimensional Thurston conjecture settled?
One approach to the Thurston conjecture that I am aware of is the employment of $\ell^2$ invariants: the Singer conjecture implies the Hopf conjecture in general. However, the Singer conjecture is open.