I'm trying to compute special values of Hecke L-function for the field $K=\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt[5]{1})$ using Magma (more exactly, I need $L(k, \chi^k)$, $k$ - integer, $\chi$ - Hecke character for the field $K$). However, I'm very confused, because the text http://magma.maths.usyd.edu.au/~watkins/papers/hecke.pdf says (as far as I understood) that it is possible to do it as we're dealing with a CM field. On the other hand, (again, as far as I got it), one needs to specify real places to create a HeckeCharacterGroup in Magma, but there are no real places for this field? (While looking for the answer found this question Special values of Hecke L-function, but couldn't understand how to do similarly in my case). I feel that I don't realize something simple here.
And one more question on the subject: there are many Dirichlet characters of given modulus, but when we compute Dirichlet L-function for a quadratic field, we take one specific character which is a Kronecker symbol. Is there something similar for Hecke characters in my case?
I'm sorry if my question is somehow very silly but I couldn't find much clear information on the subject. Thank you in advance!