These might be very silly questions, but somehow I am not able to understand it or I might have misunderstood something.
I am reading automorphic forms from this book.
What I have understood till now:
Automorphic forms on ${\mathrm{GL}}(1,\mathbb{A}_\mathbb{Q})$ are eventually the Dirichlet characters. In other words, if $\phi$ is an automorphic form on ${\mathrm{GL}}(1,\mathbb{A}_\mathbb{Q})$, then $\phi(g)=c\cdot \chi_{\text{idelic}}(g)\cdot |g|^{it}$ where $c \in \mathbb{C},t\in \mathbb{R}$ and $\chi_{\text{idelic}}$ is the idelic lift of a Dirichlet character $\chi$.
Now if I fix a Hecke character $\omega$, then an automorphic representation of ${\mathrm{GL}}(1,\mathbb{A}_\mathbb{Q})$ is by definiton a homomorphism $\pi: {\mathrm{GL}}(1,\mathbb{A}_\mathbb{Q}) \to {\mathrm{GL}}(V_\omega)$ where $V_\omega$ is the space of automorphic forms $\phi$ with character $\omega$. Also, we know that $V_\omega$ is one dimensional.
Now, Hecke characters of ${\mathrm{GL}}(1,\mathbb{A}_\mathbb{Q})$ are itself automorphic representations of ${\mathrm{GL}}(1,\mathbb{A}_\mathbb{Q})$.
Question 1: Are they all? If yes, then why?
We also know that there are hecke characters (See this) which does not come from Dirichlet characters. Call such a character $\psi$. Then, by definition $\psi: {\mathrm{GL}}(1,\mathbb{A}_\mathbb{Q}) \to {\mathrm{GL}}(V_\omega)$ for some Hecke character $\omega$. Also, the elements of $V_\omega$ are associated with some Dirichlet character i.e. if $\phi$ is a basis element of $V_\omega$, then $\phi(g)=c\cdot \chi_{\text{idelic}}(g)\cdot |g|^{it} $ as discussed above.
Question 2: What is the relation between $\psi$ and $\chi_{\text{idelic}}$ or $\omega$.
Please help me clear this confusion. Any suggestion regarding this would be really helpful. Thanks in advance.