Generic polynomials, which are recalled below, play an important role in the constructive aspects of the inverse Galois problem.
Definition. Let $P(\mathbf{t},X)$ be a monic polynomial in $\mathbb{Q}(\textbf{t})[X]$ with $\textbf{t} = (t_1,\dots, t_n)$ and $X$ being indeterminates, and let $\mathbb{L}$ be the splitting field of $P(\textbf{t},X)$ over $\mathbb{Q}(\textbf{t})$. Suppose that:
- $\mathbb{L}/\mathbb{Q}(\textbf{t})$ is Galois with Galois group $G$, and that
- every $L/\mathbb{Q}$ with Galois group $G$ is the splitting field of a polynomial $P(\mathbf{a},X)$ for some $\textbf{a} = (a_1,\dots, a_n) \in \mathbb{Q}^n$.
We say that $P(\textbf{t},X)$ parametrizes $G$-extensions of $\mathbb{Q}$ and $P(\textbf{t},X)$ is a parametric polynomial. The parametric polynomial $P(\textbf{t},X)$ is generic if $P(\textbf{t},X)$ is parametric for $G$-extensions over any field containing $\mathbb{Q}$.
Much of the literature on such polynomials concerns their existence and their constructions.
Question. Is there is a useful criterion for determining whether a monic polynomial $P(\mathbf{t},X)$ in $\mathbb{Q}(\textbf{t})[X]$ is generic or not? In particular, I have encountered the following polynomial in my research $$ g_t(x) := x^3 + 147(t^2 + 13t + 49)x^2 + 147(t^2 + 13t + 49)(33t^2 + 637t + 2401)x + 49(t^2 + 13t + 49)(881t^4 + 38122t^3 + 525819t^2 + 3058874t + 5764801), $$ and I would like to know whether this is a generic polynomial for $\mathbb{Z}/3\mathbb{Z}$-extensions. (For my purposes, it would be enough to know that this is a parametric polynomial for $\mathbb{Z}/3\mathbb{Z}$-extensions.) It is easy to verify condition (1) in the definition using Magma, but I do not know of a way to test condition (2).
Any references and/or suggestions are greatly appreciated!