I want to show the following:
Let $H$ be a Hilbert space and let $S:H\to H$ be a bounded operator such that $$\|S\|<\sin\frac{\pi}{2n}.$$ Let $\mathcal{L}$ be a closed subspace of $H$ and $$u_k:=(I-S)^ku,\;\;\;\;\text{for}\;\;\;k=0,\ldots,n\;\;\;\text{and}\;\;\;u\in\mathcal{L}\setminus\{0\}.$$ Prove that $$\|Pu_k\|\neq 0\;\;\;\text{for}\;\;\;k=0,\ldots,n,$$ where $P$ denotes the orthogonal projection on $\mathcal{L}$.
An idea:
For $k=0$ is clear because $Pu_0=Pu=u\in\mathcal{L}\setminus\{0\}$.
For $k=1$, suppose that $Pu_1=0$ then $u_1\in\mathcal{L}^\perp$ and
\begin{align*} 0&=\langle u_0,u_1\rangle=\langle u_0,u_0\rangle-\langle u_0,Su_0\rangle\\ &\geq \|u_0\|^2-\|S\|\|u_0\|^2\\ &>\left(1-\sin\frac{\pi}{2n}\right)\|u_0\|^2>0 \end{align*} which is not posible. So, $\|Pu_1\|\neq 0$.
For $k>2$, I don't know how to continue. Can someone give me an idea? Thanks.