$\DeclareMathOperator\deg{deg}\DeclareMathOperator\dim{dim}\DeclareMathOperator\span{span}$I have at least a few things that may help. It's not a full answer, but it doesn't fit in a comment, either.
We start by completely ignoring the first equation and dealing with the other two. We are looking for solutions to:
A_0 A_1^\dagger + A_1 A_2^\dagger + A_2 A_0^\dagger &= 0 \tag{2} \\
A_0^\dagger A_1 + A_1^\dagger A_2 + A_2^\dagger A_0 &= 0 \tag{3}
Assume we have a representation for the algebra corresponding to these equations. Define $W = V \oplus V^*$, and define $A'_i: W \rightarrow W$, $A'_i(u, v) = (A_i^\dagger(v), A_i(u))$. Then $A'_i$ are a representation of the algebra $S$, defined by the equations
A'_0 A'_1 + A'_1 A'_2 + A'_2 A'_0 &= 0 \tag{2'} \\
A'_1 A'_0 + A'_2 A'_1 + A'_0 A'_2 &= 0 \tag{3'}
or equivalently:
xy + yz + zx = 0,\quad yx + zy + xz = 0.
Similarly, given a representation $V$ of $S$, we should naturally have that $V \oplus V^*$ is a representation of equations $(2)$ and $(3)$.
Correspondingly, it should be useful to look at the representation theory of $S$. Specifically, we want to look at irreducible representations of $S$.
First, let us define $S$ more precisely. Let $V$ be the vector space spanned by the symbols $x$, $y$, $z$. Then let $TV$ be the tensor algebra over $V$; in other words, $TV$ is the set of linear combinations of strings with characters $x$, $y$, $z$. Define $S \mathrel{:=} TV/\langle xy + yz + zx, yx + zy + xz\rangle$, with quotient map $q: TV \rightarrow S$.
For the rest of this post, we study $S$ and its representation theory.
Let $r := x + y + z, s := x + \omega y + \omega^2 z, t := x + \omega^2 y + \omega z$, where $\omega$ is the third root of unity. Then equations $(2')$ and $(3')$ can be rewritten:
$$r^2 = st = ts$$
Note that $r^2$ is a central element, as $r^2$ commutes with $r$, and $s$ and $t$ commute with each other, and so both commute with $st$. This should lead to a nice description of an indecomposable subspace $V$: central elements act as a scalar multiple of the identity on indecomposables, so choose a constant $c$. If $c \neq 0$, then let $s$ be any nonsingular matrix, and let $r'$ be any projection that doesn't commute with any of the projections that can be expressed as a polynomial of $s$. Then set $r = \sqrt{c}(2 r' - I), t = c s^{-1}$ (for some choice of $\sqrt{c}$).
I am still working on the case where $c = 0$.