That polytope $P_{m,n}$ appears under many names : correlation polytope, Bell polytope, local hidden variable polytope, local polytope (sometimes these names refer to slightly different polytopes), and probably more. It is the unit ball for the projective norm on $\ell_{\infty}^m \otimes \ell_{\infty}^n$.
The facial structure of $P_{m,n}$ has attracted a lot of attention since 1-codimensional faces of $P_{m,n}$ are in 1-1 correspondance with Bell inequalities from quantum physics. See for example that website (restrict to $N=2$ if you want to consider only matrices and not higher order tensors).
Besides small values of $m$, $n$ a complete description of faces seems out of reach.
It follows from general considerations on the complexity of polytopes that the number of faces of $P_{m,n}$ has to grow at least exponentially in $\min(m,n)$, which somehow explains that the facial structure is complicated. The order of growth of the number of faces of $P_{n,n}$ seems unknown (is it exponential in $n$, or super-exponential?).
You can look at chapter 11.2 of our book "Alice and Bob meet Banach" for more information.