It is well known how to find a solution for the following linear difference equation
$$h_{m} = h_{m-1} + a \cdot h_{m-2}$$
Finding the roots $r_1$ and $r_2$ of $r^2 - r - a$, we have that the solutions are of the type $\lambda r_1^m + \mu r_2^m$, and then we can solve for $m = 0$ and $m = 1$ to find $\lambda$ and $\mu$.
What about inequalities? I have a quantity $h_{m}$ that I wish to bound below, and I derived the following recursive relationship
$$h_{m} \geq h_{m-1} + a \cdot h_{m-2}$$
Knowing that $h_0 = 0$, $h_1 = 1$ and that $h_m \in [0, 1], \forall m$, is it possible for me to find a general lower bound in terms of $m$ and $a$? If not, what additional knowledge would help me?
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