Let $X:=f$ and $Y:=\tilde f$. Let $\mu:=EX$ and $\nu:=EY$. Let $\|\cdot\|:=\|\cdot\|_2$.
Let $D:=Y-X$. For any random variable $V$, let $\tilde V:=V-EV$.
Then the first displayed inequality can be rewritten as $ED\le\|D\|$. The upper bound here is attained if e.g. $D=1$. So, this bound is tight.
The second displayed inequality is in general false. E.g., suppose that $\mu=\nu<0$, $\tilde X=0$, and $P(\tilde Y=\pm1)=1/2$. Then the left-hand side of that inequality is $1$, whereas its right-hand side is
However, one can write
\text{Var}\; Y-\text{Var}\; X=E(\tilde Y^2-\tilde X^2)=E\tilde D(\tilde X+\tilde Y) \\
\le\|\tilde D\|\,(\|\tilde X\|+\|\tilde Y\|)
by the Cauchy-Schwarz and Minkowski inequalities.
|\text{Var}\; Y-\text{Var}\; X|
\le\|\tilde D\|\,(\|\tilde X\|+\|\tilde Y\|)
\le\|D\|\,(\|X\|+\|Y\|). \tag{1}
The penultimate bound on $|\text{Var}\; Y-\text{Var}\; X|$ is attained e.g. when $Y=cX$ for a real constant $c>0$; if, in addition, $EX=0$, then the latter bound is attained as well. So, the latter two bounds are both tight, in their terms.
One can also adopt this approach to bound the "error" for the central moments $E(X-\mu)^n=E\tilde X^n$ of higher orders $n$ by writing $a^n-b^n=(a-b)\sum_{j=0}^{n-1} a^jb^{n-1-j}$ for $a=\tilde X$ and $b=\tilde Y$, and then using the H\"older and Minkowski inequalities, e.g., as follows:
|E\tilde X^n-E\tilde Y^n|
&\le\|\tilde X-\tilde Y\|_n\;\sum_{j=0}^{n-1} \|\tilde X^j\tilde Y^{n-1-j}\|_{n/(n-1)} \\
&\le\|\tilde X-\tilde Y\|_n\;\sum_{j=0}^{n-1} \|\tilde X\|_n^j \|\tilde Y\|_n^{n-1-j} \tag{2} \\
&=\|\tilde X-\tilde Y\|_n\;
\frac{\|\tilde X\|_n^n-\|\tilde Y\|_n^n}{\|\tilde X\|_n-\|\tilde Y\|_n},
the latter equality holding if $\|\tilde X\|_n\ne\|\tilde Y\|_n$.
For the second inequality in the latter display, we use the obvious identity $\|f^m\|_p=\|f\|_{mp}^m$ for positive $m$ and $p$.
Clearly, the bound in (2) is a generalization of the first bound in (1).
For $p\ne2$, the inequality $\|\tilde X\|_p\le\|X\|_p$ will not hold in general. The optimal constant factor $c_p$ in the inequality $\|\tilde X\|_p\le c_p\|X\|_p$ for real $p>1$ was given in
in Optimal Re-centering Bounds ... / arXiv. In particular, $c_3=\frac13\,(17+7\sqrt7)^{1/3}=1.0957\dots$.