The proof that the Seiberg-Witten invariants of a 4-manifold $X$ with fixed Spin$^c$ structure really are invariant wrt the metric used to define them goes roughly as follows (for simplicity let $b_2^+(X) > 1$ and assume the expected dimension of the SW moduli space is 0):
If $g_0$ and $g_1$ are metrics on $X$ then they may be joined by a path $(g_t)_{0 \le t\le 1}$ of metrics where each $g_t$ is such that the corresponding SW moduli space avoids reducible solutions. Now the collection of moduli spaces $(M_t)_{0\le t\le1}$ of the SW equations for each metric $g_t$ can be viewed as a cobordism between the 0-dimensional oriented manifolds $M_0$ and $M_1$. Hence the number of solutions with orientation accounted for is the same in each.
This allows for an "annihilation" phenomenon to occur among solutions: for example, {+,+,-} is cobordant to {-} via a cobordism consisting of one line from + to - and a U-shaped line along which + and - annihilate.
My question is whether anyone can illustrate an explicit example of two solutions to the SW equations wrt a given metric $g_0$ that have opposite orientation and "annihilate" along a path $(g_t)_{0 \le t \le 1}$ to some final metric $g_1$. I would also be interested in any qualitative discussion of this phenomenon.