let $u(t,x)$ be a bounded smooth solution of the heat equation $u_t=\Delta u$, $(t,x) \in R \times R^2$, and let $V \subset (R \times R^2)$ be an open connected component of $\{(t,x) \in R \times R^2: u(t,x)>0\}$. Suppose that $(\{t_1\} \times R^2) \cap V$ has only one open connected component which is also bounded. Is it possible for $(\{t\} \times R^2) \cap V$ to have at least two open connected component for all $t\geq t_2>t_1$?
Can the above be ruled out by strong maximum principle? Note that $u(\partial [(\{t\} \times R^2) \cap V] )\subset\{0\}$, for all $t$.