Let $M$ be either (a) self-dual conformal 4-manifold, or (b) hypercomplex $4n$-manifold. In either case one can construct the twistor space $Z$ (in the case (b) $Z=\mathbb{C}\mathbb{P}^1\times M$ as a smooth manifold) which admits a natural structure of a complex analytic manifold. Let $D(Z)$ denote the Douady space of $Z$, though we will be interested only in the space of rational curves in $Z$. $D(Z)$ is a complex analytic space.
Let $p\colon Z\to M$ be the natural smooth map (in case (b) $p$ is the obvious projection). The fibers of $p$ are complex curves isomorphic to $\mathbb{C}\mathbb{P}^1$. Consider the map $q\colon M\to D(Z)$ defined by $q(x)=p^{-1}(x)$. It is well known in the literature (and uses a Kodaira theorem) that the image $q(M)$ is contained in the smooth part $U$ of $D(Z)$. I need a reference to the following fact which seems to be well known to experts:
The map $q\colon M\to U$ is an infinitely differentiable map of smooth manifolds.
The earliest mentioning of this fact in literature I was able to find is in the paper
Atiyah, M. F.; Hitchin, N. J.; Singer, I. M. Self-duality in four-dimensional Riemannian geometry. Proc. Roy. Soc. London Ser. A 362 (1978).
This paper treats only the case (a) (while I need (b)) and states the result without proof in a somewhat different language (see p. 438).