
Functional equation in the theory of zeta functions is one of the important components of this theory.

I am interested to know whether the similar property, having functional equation, for the spectral zeta functions has been studied? This might be a search for such a property of the spectral zeta function (for the Laplacian) of spaces with specific symmetries, e.g. symmetric spaces, or homogeneous ones.


1 Answer 1


The Selberg zeta function for, say compact Riemann surfaces (other results are known but I forget the exact generality), satisfies a functional equation. This is built out of eigenfunctions of the Laplacian, but perhaps is not what you mean by a "spectral zeta function."

If you mean something like the Minakshisundaram-Pleijel zeta function, then McKean, in his 1972 paper on Selberg's trace formula, that Minakshisundaram-Pleijel and Weil hoped this may have a functional equation, but there were no positive results thus far. A quick search reveals this paper from 1995 which obtains functional equations for the MP zeta function of spheres and real or complex projective spaces, but I didn't find any other cases where a functional equation has been established.


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