The answer is
\frac{3}{4} \prod_{p>2} \Big(1 -\frac{1}{(p-1)^2} \Big) = 0.4951\ldots .
The product above is also known as the twin prime constant.
This follows easily from the prime number theorem in arithmetic progressions. Restricting to odd primes $p$ and $q$ below $N$ we want to count $(p-1,q-1)=2$ which by Mobius inversion can be expressed as
\sum_{\substack{d| (p-1)/2 \\ d| (q-1)/2 } } \mu(d).
Thus we want
\sum_{3 \le p, q\le N } \sum_{\substack{d| (p-1)/2 \\ d| (q-1)/2 } } \mu(d)
= \sum_{d \le N} \mu(d) \sum_{\substack{p, q\le N \\ p\equiv q\equiv 1 \mod{2d}}} 1 .
For $d\le (\log N)^3$, use the prime number theorem in APs (Siegel-Walfisz) to see that these terms are
\sim \sum_{d\le (\log N)^3} \frac{\mu(d)}{\phi(2d)^2} \frac{N^2}{(\log N)^2}.
For $d> (\log N)^3$ estimate the sums over $p$ and $q$ trivially by $(N/d)^2$. So these terms contribute
\ll \sum_{d> (\log N)^3} \frac{N^2}{d^2} \ll \frac{N^2}{(\log N)^3},
which is negligible.
So the required density is
\sum_{d\le (\log N)^3} \frac{\mu(d)}{\phi(2d)^2},
which tends to the constant given above as $N\to \infty$.