I meet this problem when reading Rolfsen's Knots&Links. After giving 8 different definitions of linking number for knots in $S^3$, he left an exercise: Given disjoint PL knots $J$ and $K$ in $S^3=\partial D^4$, let $A$ and $B$ be 2-chains in $D^4$, such that $\partial A=J,\partial B=K$, assume $A$ and $B$ intersect transversally in a finite number of points, each point is given $1$ or $-1$ after making orientation conventions, then the weighted sum of intersection points is just the linking number for $J$ and $K$ in $S^3$.
This definition is heuristic and interesting, but I can't figure out how to understand this. Maybe an argument about integral or intersection in homology can give a proper explanation. Appreciation for any help!