Let $T:L^2((0,1)) \to L^2((0,1))$ be the Volterra operator defined by $$ Tf(x) = \int_0^x f(t)\,dt.$$ Given any $\lambda\neq 0$ it is well known that there exists some positive integer $n=n(\lambda)$ such that $\textrm{Ker} (T-\lambda)^n=\textrm{Ker} (T-\lambda)^{n+1}$ and also that $\textrm{Ran} (T-\lambda)^n=\textrm{Ran} (T-\lambda)^{n+1}$ and finally that $$L^2((0,1))=\textrm{Ker} (T-\lambda)^n \oplus \textrm{Ran} (T-\lambda)^n.$$
Now my question is whether these subspaces and the integer $n$ can be explicitly calculated in the case of the Volterra operator.