I have already asked this question on MSE; now I repeat it on MO.
First we introduce the concept "flat function":
Definition: A smooth function $f:\mathbb{R}\to \mathbb{R}$ is called a flat function at the origin if $f^{(k)}(0)=0$ for all $k=0,1,2,\ldots $.
Let $V=\{f\in C^{\infty}[0,1]\mid f \text{ is flat at the origin}\}$. We equip $V$ with $|\ \ |_{\infty}$. Is there an infinite dimensional subspace $W\subseteq V$ which is invariant under the differential operator $D$, $(Df)(x)=xf'(x)$, and $D$ is a bounded operator on $W$? The motivation comes from page 43, remark 2 of the following paper: