Physicists Physicists Some people like to define the "Fourier transform" on Minkowski space as $\hat f(\xi) = \int e^{i \eta(x,\xi)} f(x) dx$, where $\eta(x,\xi)$ is the Minkowski form. I'm used to thinking of the Fourier transform as a canonical isomorphism $L^2(K) \to L^2(\hat K)$ where $K$ is a locally compact abelian group and $\hat K$ is its Pontryagin dual. But this "Minkowski-Fourier transform" doesn't seem to arise in this way.
Is there an abstract framework in which to understand this "Minkowski-Fourier transform"? For instance, is there a general theory of "Fourier transforms" on spaces equipped with a nondegenerate symmetric bilinear form? Is there a relationship between this "Minkowski-Fourier transform" and the representations of a suitable "Heisenberg group"?
Which properties of the usual Fourier transform on Euclidean space are shared by the "Minkowski-Fourier transform"? For instance, what is a precise statement of the Fourier inversion formula in this context?
Is there a good reference for the mathematical properties of the "Minkowski-Fourier transform"?
Perhaps it's worth adding that physicists seem to be a bit blase about using this "Minkowski-Fourier transform", and treat it as though it were an ordinary Fourier transform.