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31 votes

Is there a nullstellensatz for trigonometric polynomials?

I'm converting the comment above to an answer: Shapiro made the following conjecture in the paper "The expansion of mean-periodic functions in series of exponentials" Comm. Pure and Appl. ...
Gjergji Zaimi's user avatar
28 votes

(update) Is there always a real $x$ such that $\cos n_1 x + \cos n_2 x + \cos n_3 x < -2$?

In principle this problem can be resolved numerically in finite time, by exploiting the dichotomy between structure (small linear relations between the frequencies $n_1,n_2,n_3$) and randomness (...
Terry Tao's user avatar
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17 votes

Is there always a real $x$ such that $\cos n_1 x + \cos n_2 x + \cos n_3 x < -2$?

The answer is negative. If $n_3=n_1+n_2$, then $$\cos n_1 x + \cos n_2 x + \cos n_3 x\geq -2.$$ Indeed, the left-hand side equals $$(1+\cos n_1 x)(1+\cos n_2 x)-1-\sin n_1 x\sin n_2 x,$$ where $1+\cos ...
GH from MO's user avatar
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17 votes

Better trigonometrical inequalities for $\zeta(s)$?

Assuming the $b_i$ are all distinct (or at least non-zero for $i \neq 0$), this is not possible. (Otherwise there are trivial examples, e.g. $1 + 2 \cos(0 \theta)+ \cos(0 \theta) \geq 0$ or $1 + 4 \...
Terry Tao's user avatar
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16 votes

Closed formula for sine powers

You are looking at the sum of $m$-th powers of the imaginary parts of $n$-th roots of $-1.$ First, note that these can be expressed as polynomials in elementary symmetric functions (of the imaginary ...
Igor Rivin's user avatar
  • 96.4k
13 votes

Polynomial satisfied by $\cos^n(t)$ and $\sin^n(t)$

I don't know if this is irreducible, but it gives an answer: Let $\zeta$ be a primitive $n/2$-root of unity. Multiply out $$\prod_{a=1}^{n/2} \prod_{b=1}^{n/2} (\zeta^a x^{2/n} + \zeta^b y^{2/n} - 1 )....
David E Speyer's user avatar
11 votes

Upper bound for maximum modulus of polynomial on unit circle in term of the distribution of its roots

Let me first start with the other side: does the maximum being small guarantee that the roots are equidistributed? This is indeed the case, and is a beautiful theorem of Erdos and Turan. For a ...
Lucia's user avatar
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11 votes

An extremal problem related either to an uncertainty principle on the circle, or else to the prime number theorem

A compactness argument shows that for sufficiently large $X$ one has the bound $$ \sup_{x \in {\mathbb T} \backslash [-1/X,1/X]} |f(x)| \gg \sup_{x \in [-1/X,1/X]} |f(x)|$$ whenever $f$ is a ...
Terry Tao's user avatar
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11 votes

Are we able to estimate the fraction of the domain where $\cos (ax)+2\cos (b x)$ with $\frac ab \notin\mathbb{Q}$ is positive?

Since $a,b$ are incommensurable, $(ax,bx)$ is asymptotically equidistributed in the torus $({\bf R} / 2\pi{\bf Z})^2$. [One proof is via a continuous version of Weyl's equidistribution criterion: for ...
Noam D. Elkies's user avatar
9 votes

Polynomial satisfied by $\cos^n(t)$ and $\sin^n(t)$

You can use polynomial elimination, which is implemented in Macaulay2. In fact, the parametric equations of your affine curve are $$x=\frac{(2t)^n}{(1+t^2)^n}, \quad y=\frac{(1-t^2)^n}{(1+t^2)^n},$$ ...
Francesco Polizzi's user avatar
8 votes

Curious identity between the two kinds of Chebyshev polynomials

Here is how to prove it with more standard methods. First of all, let me restate your identity: Definition. Let $\mathbb{N}=\left\{ 0,1,2,\ldots\right\} $. A partition shall mean an integer ...
darij grinberg's user avatar
6 votes

Curious identity between the two kinds of Chebyshev polynomials

I think I can sketch a shorter proof. Let $z_j = x_j+x_j^{-1}$, and let $p_m$ and $h_m$ denote the power-sum and complete homogeneous symmetric polynomial. Then (see e.g p.3 in this preprint) $$ 2 ...
Per Alexandersson's user avatar
5 votes

Tight upper bounds on trigonometric polynomials

This is sometimes referred to as the "sine problem" in parallel with the much better known "cosine problem" of Chowla. I've seen the problem attributed to Bohr in connection with a ...
Mark Lewko's user avatar
5 votes

Closed form of $\prod_{k=1}^{n}\left(\cos(kx)-1\right)$

$$\prod_{k=1}^{n}\left(\cos kx-1\right)=2^{-n} e^{-\frac{1}{2} i n (n+1) x} \left(e^{i x};e^{i x}\right)_n^2,$$ with $(\cdot;\cdot)_n$ the q-Pochhammer symbol. I guess this counts as a "closed ...
Carlo Beenakker's user avatar
5 votes

Rigorous estimates on roots of function

If my computations are correct, there is a root of the form $x=1+\sin^2(\frac\theta2)$ with: $$\theta \in \left(\frac{k\pi}N,\frac{k\pi}N+\frac\pi{2N}\right) \text{ if }k < \frac{N}3-\frac12$$ $$\...
Christophe Leuridan's user avatar
5 votes

Optimization problem on trigonometric polynomials

$f(x)=\frac 12(1+\sin nx)$ is, indeed, the optimal choice. To see it, let's normalize a bit differently by $0\le f\le 2$. Then $f=1+g$ where $g$ is a real trigonometric polynomial of degree $n$ ...
fedja's user avatar
  • 61.9k
5 votes

Closed formula for sine powers

Letting $\xi=e^{\frac{2\pi i}{2n}}$, a primitive root of unity $z^{2n}=1$. Then, $\sin\left(\frac{\pi k}n\right)=\frac{\xi^{k}-\xi^{-k}}{2i}$ and hence \begin{align} \sum_{k=0}^{n-1}\sin^m\left(\frac{\...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
5 votes

Is there a law of cosine for n-dimensional hyperbolic simplex

Yes, something like that is proved in the paper by Simon Kokkendorff: Kokkendorff, Simon L., Polar duality and the generalized law of sines, J. Geom. 86, No. 1-2, 140-149 (2006). ZBL1115.51010. It ...
Igor Rivin's user avatar
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5 votes

Better trigonometrical inequalities for $\zeta(s)$?

this is an answer to the question as originally posed, without the additional conditions on $a_0$ and $b_0$ for example, $$6+\cos \theta+2 \cos 2 \theta+3 \cos 3 \theta\geq 0,$$ or more ...
Carlo Beenakker's user avatar
4 votes

$L_p$ norms of $0-1$ exponential sums

For even integer exponents, say $p=2k$ and $p \geq2$, the quantity is just the $k$-order additive energy of the set $S \subset \mathbb{Z}$ of non-zero Fourier coefficients. It is easy to see that this ...
Mark Lewko's user avatar
4 votes

Fourier coefficients of Selberg polynomials

As it is odd, we can write the Vaaler polynomial $V_K(x)=\sum_{1 \le k \le K}c_{k,K} \sin 2\pi kx$ and its fundamental property is that $|c_{k,K}| \le \frac{1}{\pi k}$. This follows easily from its ...
Conrad's user avatar
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3 votes

Rigorous estimates on roots of function

Let $$a_i=\sin ^2\left(\frac{\pi i}{N}\right)\qquad \text{and} \qquad b_i=1+\sin ^2\left(\frac{\pi i}{2 N}\right)$$ and consider $$f(x)=1-\frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N \frac{a_i}{b_i-x}$$ For the root ...
Claude Leibovici's user avatar
3 votes

Orthogonal vectors translation using standard vectors

$\newcommand\v{\mathbf v}\newcommand\w{\mathbf w}$Let us show that the vectors $\w_1,\dots,\w_n$ are linearly independent. Of course, then the first $m$ of these $n$ vectors are linearly independent. ...
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
3 votes

Are we able to estimate the fraction of the domain where $\cos (ax)+2\cos (b x)$ with $\frac ab \notin\mathbb{Q}$ is positive?

Let $r$ be an irrational real number. For real $x>0$, let $U_x$ be a random variable (r.v.) uniformly distributed on the interval $[0,x]$, and then let $$C_x:=\cos rU_x+2\cos U_x.$$ Then the ...
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
2 votes

cosine of rational multiples of Pi take values of equal difference

Let $\zeta=e^{2\pi i/N}$ and $\alpha=e^{2\pi i/(2N)}$. Your assumption was $\Re(\alpha(\zeta^{m_3}-2\zeta^{m_2}+\zeta^{m_1}))=0$. This is equivalent to $\alpha(\zeta^{m_3}-2\zeta^{m_2}+\zeta^{m_1}))+\...
Anthony Quas's user avatar
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1 vote

A sine type Chebyshev system

$\newcommand\be\beta$The answer is no. For instance, suppose that $n=2$, $\be_{11}=\be_{12}=\be_{21}=1=-\be_{22}$. Then for $$D(t_1,t_2):=\det\big(\beta_{kl}\sin(lt_k)\big)_{k,l=1}^n$$ we have $D(1,2)=...
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
1 vote

Polynomial satisfied by $\cos^n(t)$ and $\sin^n(t)$

Here are some small explicit solutions and general comments. Since the polynomials are symmetric, one would expect them to be more nicely expressed using $$S=x+y \\ M=x-y\\ P=xy.$$ Here $M$ should ...
Aaron Meyerowitz's user avatar
1 vote

Reference request: Gaussian almost periodic functions

Estimation for almost periodic processes (2006), provides a general method to determine the lines of support of the spectra, with applications to bias and covariance estimation.
Carlo Beenakker's user avatar
1 vote

Accurate estimate/lower bound for the l2 approximation error of trigonometric polynomial approximation

This is very broad, and largely depend on some details you have not provided. Usually the questions are - How smooth is $f$? Is $P$ a measure with any special properties, e.g., has an associated ...
Amir Sagiv's user avatar
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