Model of an elliptic curve with p-torsion
A standard method to find such an equation (in principle) is the following, shown to me by Tate, but maybe due to Mordell(?). If $P_0$ is a point of order at least $4$ on $E$ (infinite order is ...
Model of an elliptic curve with p-torsion
For a given integer $N \geq 1$, the elliptic curves endowed with a point of order $N$ are parametrized by the modular curve $Y_1(N)$. For $N \geq 4$, there is a universal elliptic curve $E \to Y_1(N)$ ...
On the relation between two definitions of torsion functors
The conjecture is not true.
By Quý's comment, the conjecture implies that $\Gamma_{\mathfrak{m}}$ is not a radical if $R$ is a $0$-dimensional local ring whose maximal ideal $\mathfrak{m}$ is ...
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