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24 votes

If a polynomial ring is finite free over a subring, is the subring polynomial?

Note that $R$ and $S$ each have only one graded maximal ideal, so they are local in the graded sense, so most of the standard results for ungraded local rings are applicable. There is an obvious ...
Neil Strickland's user avatar
20 votes

Classification of subgroups of finitely generated abelian groups

The answer to Question 1 is no. Let $A=\mathbb{Z}/8\mathbb{Z}\oplus\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}$ and let $B$ be the subgroup generated by $(2,1)$. Since $B$ is cyclic of order $4$, if it were contained in a ...
Jeremy Rickard's user avatar
19 votes

When is $A\otimes R$ a free $R$-module?

Here is a 7-line proof of your statement. Claim. Let $R$ be a commutative ring with identity $1_R$. Let $A \simeq \mathbb{Z}/d_1\mathbb{Z} \oplus \cdots \oplus \mathbb{Z}/d_k\mathbb{Z}$ be a ...
Luc Guyot's user avatar
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19 votes

Reference request: a tale of two mathematicians

Here is a recent talk by Ringel (in German): Algebra und Kombinatorik. The related part is: Besonderes Aufsehen hat ein Ergebnis erregt, das meist Satz von Gabriel genannt wird: Ein zusammenhängender ...
Mare's user avatar
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18 votes

Is every additive, left exact functor isomorphic to a hom functor?

One can prove the following result: let $F \colon \mathrm{Mod}_R \to \mathrm{Mod}_S$ be left-exact and preserve small products (equivalently, a continuous functor). Then $F$ is of the form $\mathrm{...
Dan Petersen's user avatar
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17 votes

Tilting Objects in BGG Categories $\mathcal{O}$

Words change their meanings. The original meaning of “tilting module” is that of Happel and Ringel in the representation theory of finite dimensional algebras, which requires the projective dimension ...
Jeremy Rickard's user avatar
17 votes

Categorical Unification of Jordan Holder Theorems

This does not really involve any category theory, but perhaps it is useful to note the following general setting for the Jordan-Hölder theorem. For $G$ a group and $\Omega$ a set, a group with ...
spin's user avatar
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17 votes

For what modules is the endomorphism ring a division ring?

Such modules are called bricks for finite dimensional algebras and there are in general very many of them. Having a division ring as the endomorphism ring is equivalent to the condition that every non-...
Mare's user avatar
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17 votes

When is the category of finitely presented modules abelian?

Wojowu's idea is right: Lemma. Let $R$ be a ring, let $\mathbf{Mod}_R$ be the category of (left) $R$-modules, and let $\mathbf{Mod}_R^{\text{fp}}$ be the subcategory of finitely presented modules. ...
R. van Dobben de Bruyn's user avatar
16 votes

Clebsch–Gordan decomposition formula for algebraic groups

Let $G$ denote the group, and suppose one has an enumeration of its irreducible representations $V_{\lambda}$ by some combinatorial objects $\lambda$, like nonnegative integers for $SU_2$ (or for ...
Abdelmalek Abdesselam's user avatar
15 votes

How to make Ext and Tor constructive?

Jarl Flaten and I have developed the theory of Ext groups constructively in homotopy type theory, and have formalized most of the results in Coq. We use Yoneda's resolution-free approach to Ext, so ...
Dan Christensen's user avatar
15 votes

Dual of a bimodule

As explained in more detail in this blog post linked by Jakob in the comments, every $(A, B)$-bimodule $M$ has two natural duals: If $M$ is finitely generated projective as a left $A$-module, it has ...
Qiaochu Yuan's user avatar
14 votes

Categorical Unification of Jordan Holder Theorems

There are various generalizations of the Jordan-Hölder theorem. Beyond groups and groups with operators it holds for any equational theory which contains a Mal'cev operation. This means that from the ...
Friedrich Knop's user avatar
14 votes

Is the category of chain complexes a reflexive or coreflexive subcategory of the category of functors?

Yes, it's reflective and coreflective, under mild assumptions on the codomain category $\mathcal A.$ The adjoints are given, by definition, by Kan extension along the quotient from the abelian group-...
Kevin Carlson's user avatar
13 votes

Two abelian groups, each being direct factor of the other

No. A classic result of Corner (On a conjecture of Pierce concerning direct decompositions of Abelian groups. 1964 Proc. Colloq. Abelian Groups (Tihany, 1963) pp. 43–48, MR0169905 (30 #148)) shows ...
Arturo Magidin's user avatar
12 votes

A question with simple and indecomposable modules

It's not true. Consider representations of the quiver $$\bullet\stackrel{\alpha}{\rightarrow}\bullet\stackrel{\beta}{\leftarrow}\bullet.$$ The representation $k \to k^2 \leftarrow k$, where the ...
Jeremy Rickard's user avatar
12 votes

An example of a non-geometric $C^\infty(M)$-module

Let $M$ be the unit circle in $\mathbb C$, and consider the algebra homomorphism $C^\infty(M)\to M_2(\mathbb R)$ given by $$ f\mapsto \begin{bmatrix} f(1) & \frac{df}{d\theta}(1) \\ 0 & f(1)\...
user85913's user avatar
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12 votes

local ring all whose non-maximal ideals are finitely generated

There exists no such non-noetherian local ring. Below I assume by contradiction that we have such a ring. (a) The first observation is a particular case Proposition 1.2(a) in your reference to ...
YCor's user avatar
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12 votes

Inverse of the Structure Theorem for Finitely Generated Modules over PID

There seems to be quite some literature about rings with this property, sometimes under the name "FGC domains". From Googling, not personal knowledge: In Theorem 14 of Kaplansky, Irving, Modules ...
Jeremy Rickard's user avatar
12 votes

Beauville-Laszlo for schemes

Completing the discussion under Will Sawin's answer. The question has been answered completely and affirmatively by Ben-Bassat and Temkin in their paper "Berkovich spaces and tubular descent" (Adv. ...
Piotr Achinger's user avatar
12 votes

For every ring R, is there a block-diagonal canonical form for a square matrix over R?

Your question is equivalent to whether the category $\mathcal{E}$ of pairs $(V,f)$ consisting of a finitely generated free (right) $R$-module and an endomorphism $f$ of $V$ is a Krull-Schmidt category,...
Uriya First's user avatar
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11 votes

Reduced ring with all non-prime ideals finitely generated

Question: Let $R$ be a reduced ring with all non-prime ideals finitely generated. Then is $R$ Noetherian? The answer is Yes. To lessen my typing, let me use the abbreviation NFG to mean not-finitely-...
Keith Kearnes's user avatar
11 votes

Basis for free modules over an affine domain

1) In the positive direction: If any entry in $e$ is an $(n-1)!$ power, then $e$ is an element of a basis. (More generally, it's enough to have $e=(z_1^{m_1},\ldots z_n^{m_n})$ with $(n-1)!$ ...
Steven Landsburg's user avatar
11 votes

Must the inclusion of an indecomposable module in the direct sum of two copies always split?

Yes, it must be split. Since $M$ is an indecomposable module for an Artin algebra, its endomorphism ring $E$ is a local ring with nilpotent Jacobson radical $J(E)$. Say $J(E)^n=0$. Let the ...
Jeremy Rickard's user avatar
11 votes

Is there essentially unique notion of module over monoidal stable $\infty$-categories?

The ∞-categorical analog of the fact you mention can be found in Higher Algebra, corollary Let $\operatorname{CAlg}$ be the category of $E_\infty$-rings and $A\in \operatorname{CAlg}$. Then ...
Denis Nardin's user avatar
  • 16.5k
11 votes

Trivial group cohomology induces trivial cohomology of subgroups

For any abelian group $A$ we have a canonical isomorphism $\bigwedge^2A\to H_2(A,\mathbb{Z})$, given by the (anti-symmetric) Pontrjagin product $H_1(A,\mathbb{Z})\times H_1(A,\mathbb{Z}) \to H_2(A,\...
Dave Benson's user avatar
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11 votes

Symmetric tensor of highest weight modules for $\mathrm{SU}(2)$

The multiplicities of $V_e$ inside $n$-th symmetric power of $V_d$ are given by the Cayley-Sylvester formula $$ P(n,d;\frac{nd-e}{2}) - P(n,d;\frac{nd-e}{2}-1) $$ where $P(n,d;k)$ denotes the number ...
Vít Tuček's user avatar
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10 votes

The projective covers of Artinian module

No: as soon as the (local noetherian) ring itself is not artinian, there exists an artinian module with no projective cover. First recall (over any ring) that a projective cover of $M$ is $N$ ...
YCor's user avatar
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10 votes

Rational Canonical Form over $\mathbb{Z}/p^k\mathbb{Z}$

The problem is open, and not because nobody tried. For instance, it is known that the number of similarity classes in $M_n(\mathbf Z/p^2 \mathbf Z)$ is equal to the number of simultaneous conjugacy ...
Amritanshu Prasad's user avatar
10 votes

Is an overring of an order reflexive as a module over the order?

The answer to Question 1 is yes by (the proof of) Proposition 2.14 in this paper. The answer to Question 2 is not. Let $R=k[t^3,t^4,t^5]$ so $\tilde R=k[t]$. I claim that for this ring any immediate ...
Hailong Dao's user avatar
  • 30.5k

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