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6 votes

$S^3$ as a Sasakian Manifold

I will answer your question for $S^{2n+1}$, since there is no difference between the case $n=1$ and the case of general $n$. Let $(M^{2n+1},g,\theta)$ be a Sasakian manifold. One definition of a ...
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Quaternion-Sasakian manifolds and special holonomy Sasakian manifolds

Nearly-Kahler manifold are the 6-dimensional links of G2-cones, see I do not know about the others
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Spin structures on Sasakian manifolds and the Kähler analogy

Every Sasakian manifold $M$ (of dimension $2k+1$) has a canonical $\mathrm{Spin}^c$ structure, because the cone $\overline{M}$ over $M$ is Kähler and thus has a canonical $\mathrm{Spin}^c$ structure ...
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