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7 votes

Maximize the Euclidean norm of a matrix times a vector on unit sub-spheres

You cannot hope for anything like a closed form solution, or even an exact efficient algorithm for this problem, because it is NP-hard. The reduction is from the max-cut problem. Let's look at the ...
Sasho Nikolov's user avatar
6 votes

Nearest matrix orthogonally similar to a given matrix

Not a full answer, but some pointers on how to get a numerical method: If $\|\cdot\|_2$ denotes the spectral norm, then, by unitary invariance, your problem is equal to $$ \min_{T\in O(n)}\|AT-TB\|_2. ...
Dirk's user avatar
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4 votes

Nearest matrix orthogonally similar to a given matrix

Depends what you mean by "technique". Your problem is a quadratically constrained quadratic program. To be precise, the objective function is $$\mbox{tr} (A-TBT^t)(A^t - TB^t T^t) = \mbox{tr} ( AA^t +...
Igor Rivin's user avatar
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3 votes

Nearest matrix orthogonally similar to a given matrix

This is really just a very long comment. First, if you haven't run across the Orthogonal Procrustes Problem before, you may find it interesting. (It's very similar, and has an efficient algorithm.) ...
Bill Bradley's user avatar
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3 votes

Eigenvalue problem with two quadratic constraints

Generically, your system will have no solution, since $\mathbf{x}^t B \mathbf{x}$ is rarely zero for full-rank matrices. In the special case where $B$ is a degenerate symmetric matrix, then $x$ is in ...
Igor Rivin's user avatar
  • 96.4k
3 votes

Maximize the Euclidean norm of a matrix times a vector on unit sub-spheres

You can write $AX=\sum_{i=1}^N A_i x_i$ with $A_i\in \mathbb{R}^{r\times m}$. Then we have $$ \|AX\|^2=(AX)^TAX=\sum_{i,j} x^T_i A_i^TA_jx_j. $$ The condition for a critical point is $$ A_i^TAX=\...
user100927's user avatar
2 votes

Eigenvalue problem with two quadratic constraints

Because no one has offered a solution meeting your ideal of using a standard numerical linear algorithm, I will offer an approach using the global numerical nonlinear optimizer BARON. Here is a ...
Mark L. Stone's user avatar
2 votes

Nearest matrix orthogonally similar to a given matrix

Regardless of the objective function, the constraints are non-convex, so the overall optimization problem is non-convex. Solve it using numerical optimization on matrix manifolds, specifically, the ...
Mark L. Stone's user avatar
1 vote

Minimizing quadratic objective under orthogonality constraints

This is a special case of the little Grothendieck problem. Afonso Bandeira, Christopher Kennedy, Amit Singer, Approximating the little Grothendieck problem over the orthogonal and unitary groups [PDF]...
Dhruv Kohli's user avatar

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