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21 votes

Source of a quote by Ferdinand Rudio

The quote is from a speech Rudio gave at the Town Hall in Zürich on the 6th December 1883; The German original is published in Felix Stähelin, Reden und Vorträge (1956, I have not found it online). ...
Carlo Beenakker's user avatar
13 votes

Refined Euler characteristic

Look up the Poincare polynomial $p_X(t)$. It is still multiplicative, by the Kunneth formula. The Euler characteristic is $\chi_X=p_X(-1)$. We have $p_{S^1\times S^1}(t)=(t+1)^2$ but $p_{S^1\times [0,...
Balazs's user avatar
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8 votes

Compactification of open manifolds in the form of a manifold( with zero Euler characteristic)

First note that odd dimensions the question of Euler characteristic $0$ is automatic, $M$ will embed in the orientable double cover of $\tilde{M}$, which will have $\chi = 0$ by Poincare Duality. In ...
Nick L's user avatar
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7 votes

Multiplicativity of Euler characteristic for non-orientable fibrations

Since this question seems to be attracting some renewed interest, I may as well point out that a few years after I asked it, Kate Ponto and I proved a generalization of this formula by purely ...
Mike Shulman's user avatar
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6 votes

Euler Characteristic of $SL_m(\mathbb{C})/SO_m(\mathbb{C})$

Let $G$ be a connected complex reductive affine algebraic group, and let $H$ be an algebraic subgroup (assume reductive). Then the Euler characteristic of the homogeneous space $G/H$ can be computed ...
Sean Lawton's user avatar
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6 votes

Euler characteristic of the simplicial complex of sets of elements in a semilattice with non-zero meet

To get a complete answer, I think you will need to use the specific properties of your semilattices. But I think the key observation is to notice what the maximal faces of your complex $Z_c$ are: A ...
Nathan Reading's user avatar
6 votes

Compact simply-connected homogeneous symplectic manifold

Let your manifold be $X=G/H$. First of all, since it is simply connected, we can write it as $K/U$ where $K$ and $U=K\cap H$ are compact in $G$ (Montgomery’s theorem, 1950). Next, since $K/U$ is ...
Francois Ziegler's user avatar
5 votes

Euler characteristic of local system depends only on rank?

As $X$ is proper, the Swan conductor of $\mathcal{F}$ vanishes. Hence the identity $\chi(X,\mathcal F)=\operatorname{rk}\mathcal F\cdot\chi(X,\underline{\mathbb F_\ell}_X)$ follows from Theorem $4.2.9$...
js21's user avatar
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5 votes

Euler characteristic of the simplicial complex of sets of elements in a semilattice with non-zero meet

This is a special case of the crosscut theorem. See e.g. Corollary 3.9.4 of Enumerative Combinatorics, vol. 1, second ed. Let $L'$ be $L$ with a top element $\hat{1}$ adjoined. In Corollary 3.9.4 take ...
Richard Stanley's user avatar
4 votes

When are bundles of odd and even differential forms isomorphic?

Strengthening your fourth bullet point, one can see all the Chern classes are equal using the complex splitting principle. So one cannot use Chern classes to distinguish them. Indeed, I will prove the ...
Will Sawin's user avatar
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4 votes

Euler characteristic of pseudomanifolds with boundary

Ok, to convert my comment to an answer. Let $S$ be a closed orientable triangulated surface of genus $\ge 1$. Let $M$ be the cone over $S$. Then $M$ has a natural orientable pseudomanifold structure. ...
Moishe Kohan's user avatar
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3 votes

When are bundles of odd and even differential forms isomorphic?

I will explain that as long as $n>2$ the real vector bundles $\Omega^{even}$ and $\Omega^{odd}$ over $M$ are isomorphic. If $n>2$ then $dim(\Omega^{even}) = dim(\Omega^{odd}) = 2^{n-1} > n$ ...
Oscar Randal-Williams's user avatar
3 votes

Intuition for the Euler form in a finitary category

This answer perhaps says things that are all obvious to the OP. $\textrm{Ext}^i(A,B)$ is a vector space over the ground field, so its cardinality is $q^d$ where $d$ is the dimension of the vector ...
Hugh Thomas's user avatar
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2 votes

Variation of Euler characteristic when the sheaf is not flat

Kollar in his article mentions that in general Euler characteristic is lower semi-continuous without the assumption of flatness. However, there is no proof of this statement in the article.
Jana's user avatar
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2 votes

Is this line of thought (using linear algebra to get number theoretic results) already being pursued in the literature?

I don't know of such a reference, but I think I can give you a short proof for your intuition and conjecture, hope that helps: One basis for $1,...,n$ is given by $e_1,\ldots, e_k$, where $k = \Pi(n)$...
Dirk's user avatar
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2 votes

For which classes of topological spaces Euler characteristics is defined?

The Euler Characteristic can be defined for a larger class of spaces. For example, Euler Characteristic is defined for definable sets in an o-minimal system such as: semi-linear sets, semi-algebraic ...
D1811994's user avatar
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1 vote

On the notion of multiplicity of a fixed point

Note that the fixed points of $f$ can be characterized as the intersection points of the graph of $f$, which is a submanifold of $M\times M$, with the diagonal of $M\times M$ $$\Delta_M=\big\{ (x,...
Liviu Nicolaescu's user avatar
1 vote

Multiplicativity of Euler characteristic for non-orientable fibrations

Let $B$ be a finite simplicial complex. Let us consider its dual cell-decomposition. The preimage of each cell has Euler characteristic equal to that of $F.$ Now use the usual combinatorial formula ...
András Szűcs's user avatar

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