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Explicit formula of base change for GL(n)

The answer to your final question should be yes. Let me assume that $v$ is inert in $E$, so that $E_v / F_v$ is a honest quadratic extension. Assuming that $B(\chi_1, \chi_2)$ is irreducible, it ...
user94041's user avatar
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Is there a definition of supercupidal parameter in the Local Langland correspondence?

Not really. This is because you get two kinds of L-packets which see supercuspidal representations: there are packets consisting purely of supercuspidals (which correspond to what should probably be ...
PL.'s user avatar
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Realization of the $p$-adic Steinberg representation as a subrepresentation

The following works for arbitrary split reductive groups. Let $\mathrm{ind}$ denote the normalized induction, and let $\mathrm{Ind}$ denote the naive induction. Concretely, the Steinberg ...
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Asymptotic behavior of matrix coefficients

For the $p$-adic case, the idea is as follows (thanks to Elad for pointing out the direction). Recall (from the unpublished notes by Casselman, Introduction to the theory of admissible representations ...
Zahi Hazan's user avatar

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