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Homotopy theory is an important sub-field of algebraic topology. It is mainly concerned with the properties and structures of spaces which are invariant under homotopy. Chief among these are the homotopy groups of spaces, specifically those of spheres. Homotopy theory includes a broad set of ideas and techniques, such as cohomology theories, spectra and stable homotopy theory, model categories, spectral sequences, and classifying spaces.

1 vote
0 answers

Homotopy section but no pointed homotopy section

Can anyone give an example of a pointed map $p:(E,e)\to (B,b)$ between connected pointed spaces (reasonably nice, say of the homotopy type of CW complexes) such that $p$ admits a homotopy section but …
Mark Grant's user avatar
  • 35.9k
2 votes
0 answers

Strengthening the Compression Lemma in homotopy theory

The following result is sometimes known as the Compression Lemma: Let $(X,A)$ be a CW pair and let $(Y,B)$ be a topological pair with $B\neq\emptyset$. For all $n$ such that $X-A$ has $n$-cells, a …
Mark Grant's user avatar
  • 35.9k
12 votes
1 answer

Extending a weak version of Sullivan's generalized conjecture

Apologies for the title. Miller's theorem (formerly Sullivan's conjecture) gives that for a finite group $G$ and a finite dimensional connected CW complex $X$, the based mapping space $\operatorname{ …
Mark Grant's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

fibre-preserving homotopy equivalence

Let $p:E\to B$ and $p':E'\to B$ be fibrations. It is well known that if $f:E\to E'$ a fibrewise map that is also a homotopy equivalence, then it is a fibrewise homotopy equivalence. What about the mor …
Mark Grant's user avatar
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10 votes
0 answers

Applications of sheaf theory to the computation of invariants of LS-category type

I would like to know if sheaf theory can be applied to a particular class of questions in topology. The Schwarz genus (also known as sectional category) of a continuous map $p\colon\thinspace E\to …
Mark Grant's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Does the Borel functor take equivariant fibrations to fibrations?

Let $p\colon X\to B$ be a fibration. Let $G$ be a topological group acting continuously on $X$ and $B$, and assume that the map $p$ is $G$-equivariant. We can apply the Borel functor $EG\times_G-$ f …
Mark Grant's user avatar
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16 votes
1 answer

Which cohomology theories are real- and complex-orientable?

A complex-oriented cohomology theory $E^*$ is a multiplicative cohomology theory with a choice of Thom class $x\in\tilde{E}^2(\mathbb{C}P^\infty)$ for the universal complex line bundle (which can be u …
Mark Grant's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Homotopy dimension of a mapping

The homotopy dimension $h \dim X$ of a space $X$ is the minimal dimension of a CW-complex $Z$ homotopy equivalent to $X$. I am interested in the generalisation to maps $f\colon X\to Y$. Here's what I …
Mark Grant's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Homotopy classification of maps into nilmanifolds

I am interested in answers or reference in the literature to the following problem: Classify up to homotopy all maps $A\to X$, where $A$ is a closed oriented manifold and $X$ is a closed nilmanifo …
Mark Grant's user avatar
  • 35.9k
8 votes
4 answers

What is the homotopy fiber of a fold map?

If $X$ and $Y$ are based spaces, let $p_X: X\vee Y\to X$ be the fold map, or projection, onto $X$. What is the homotopy fiber $F$ of $p_X$? I think I have an argument that $F$ is the half-smash …
Mark Grant's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

When is the diagonal inclusion a $\Sigma_2$-cofibration?

Recall that a space $X$ is called locally equiconnected or LEC if the diagonal map $d:X\hookrightarrow X\times X$ is a cofibration. For example, CW-complexes are LEC. There is some discussion of this …
Mark Grant's user avatar
  • 35.9k
30 votes
2 answers

Unstable homotopy groups of spheres beyond Toda's range

In 1962 Toda published his book "Composition methods in homotopy groups of spheres", which contains computations of $\pi_{n+k}(S^n)$ for $k\le 19$ and $n\le 20$. The values of these groups are conveni …
Mark Grant's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Pontrjagin ring structure on homology of Eilenberg-Mac Lane spaces

Is there any good reference for the Pontrjagin ring structure on $$ H_\ast(K(\mathbb{Z}/2,k);\mathbb{Z}/2)\cong H_\ast(\Omega K(\mathbb{Z}/2,k+1);\mathbb{Z}/2)? $$ I am familiar with Serre's theorem …
Mark Grant's user avatar
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6 votes
0 answers

Actions of cofibrations and induced maps of cofibres

Working in some nice category of based topological spaces (compactly generated with CW homotopy type, say) suppose we have a homotopy commutative diagram $$ \begin{array}{ccccc} & & j & & \newline & …
Mark Grant's user avatar
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6 votes
0 answers

When is the cohomology cross product square nonzero?

Let $X$ be a finite CW complex, and $A$ an abelian group. Given a nonzero class in singular cohomology $$x\in H^k(X;A),$$ when is its cross product square $$x\times x\in H^{2k}(X\times X;A\otimes A)$$ …
Mark Grant's user avatar
  • 35.9k

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