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Questions about the continuum hypothesis, or where the continuum hypothesis or its negation plays a role. This tag is also suitable, by extension, to refer to the generalized continuum hypothesis and related issues.
Uniqueness results that follow from CH
Here's one about my favorite topological space, the Stone–Čech remainder of the natural numbers, denoted $\mathbb N^*$ or $\omega^*$. The characterization is due to Parovicenko.
Assuming CH, $\mathbb …
Uniformization of almost disjoint families
No, this is not consistent: there is (provably in ZFC) an almost disjoint family of size $\aleph_1$ and a two-valued function on that family such that the function cannot be uniformized in the way you …
Can the cardinal $2^{\aleph_0}$ be order-embedded in ${\cal P}(\omega)/(\text{fin})$?
Yes! The fact that this is consistent is originally due to Laver. Later, Baumgartner, Frankiewicz, and Zbierski strengthened Laver's result to the following theorem:
Theorem: Is it consistent that $\m …
Unnecessary uses of the Continuum Hypothesis
Theorem: The space $\mathbb N^*$ of non-principal ultrafilters on $\mathbb N$ is not homogeneous.
Using CH, it is fairly straightforward to prove there is a special kind of ultrafilter called a $P$-po …
Is it still an open problem whether $\mathbb{R}^\omega$ is normal in the box topology?
I'm transcribing here some things from the comments section, so that this question can be marked as answered:
The problem is still open.
This survey by Roitman and Williams, from 2015, said that it wa …
The Parovichenko cardinal, is it equal to $\max\{\aleph_2,\mathfrak p\}$?
No -- it is consistent that $\mathsf{CH}$ fails, and that every compact Hausdorff space of weight $\leq\!\mathfrak{c}$ is a continuous image of $\beta \mathbb N \setminus \mathbb N$. (This is due to B …
Is $[0,1]$ a disjoint union of $\aleph_1$ compact subsets with empty interior?
It is independent of ZFC. As you mention, CH implies the answer is yes. A different axiom, MA+$\neg$CH, implies the answer is no.
A little more precisely, there is a cardinal number denoted $\mathrm{ …