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Commutative rings, modules, ideals, homological algebra, computational aspects, invariant theory, connections to algebraic geometry and combinatorics.

8 votes

Need an example of not finitely generated graded algebra such that its Poincaré series is ...

Rather obviously yes. Let $A$ be the algebra over the field $K$ generated by elements $a_1,a_2,\ldots,$ with $a_i$ in dimension $i$ and with $a_ia_j=0$ for all $i$ and $j$. This is an incredibly unin …
Robin Chapman's user avatar
20 votes

Is completeness of a field an algebraic property?

How about the algebraic closure of the $p$-adics $\mathbb{Q}_p^{\mathrm{alg}}$. This is not complete under the $p$-adic metric, but it is isomorphic as a field to the complex numbers $\mathbb{C}$ whic …
Robin Chapman's user avatar
5 votes

Ideals in the ring of single-variable Laurent polynomials with integer coefficients

Well, $\mathbb{Z}[t,t^{-1}]$ is the localization of the polynomial ring $R=\mathbb{Z}[t]$ with respect to the multiplicative set $S$ consisting of the powers of $t$. The ideals of $S^{-1}R=\mathbb{Z}[ …
Robin Chapman's user avatar
1 vote

Name for a module with only one associated prime

Wikipedia calls a module over a commutative Noetherian ring with only one associated prime a coprimary module. I don't recall hearing this terminology elsewhere, but it is certainly common to call a s …
Robin Chapman's user avatar
21 votes

Does Smith normal form imply PID?

If every matrix has a Smith normal form, then every finitely generated $R$-submodule $M$ of $R^n$ satisfies $R^n/M$ is a finite direct sum of modules isomorphic to $R/aR$. If $R$ is Noetherian this im …
Robin Chapman's user avatar
12 votes

Ranks of free submodules of free modules

This reduces to the question: is there an $R$-module injection from $R^{n+1}$ to $R^n$. This is a matrix question: is there a nonzero nullvector for an $n$-by-$n+1$ matrix $M$. Clearly $M$ has a null …
Robin Chapman's user avatar
4 votes

question about tensor of two fields

For (b) recall that a prime ideal is the kernel of a map from $G$ into a field. Such a field must be an extension field of $H$ and the image of $G$ is generated by $H$ and the $p^{r_i}$-th roots of ce …
Robin Chapman's user avatar
3 votes

$K_{0}(R) =\mathbb{Z}$ but some f.g. projective not stably free?

When $R$ is commutative, $K_0(R)$ is a commutative ring with multiplicative unit the class $[R]$ of $R$. The only ring structure with additive group $\mathbb{Z}$ is the familiar one, so every element …
Robin Chapman's user avatar
4 votes

Necessary and sufficient criteria for non-trivial derivations to exist?

There is a notion of a universal derivation for an algebra. I'll assume everything is commutative for simiplcitity. If $A$ is a $k$-algebra ($k$ a commutative ring) then there is an $A$-module $\Omega …
Robin Chapman's user avatar
17 votes

Maximal Ideals in the ring k[x1,...,xn ]

The stronger version of the Nullstellensatz states that a maximal ideal $I$ of $R=k[x_1,\ldots,x_n]$ is the kernel of a $k$-homomorphism from $R$ to $L$ where $L/k$ is a finite extension. Let $a_1,\ld …
Robin Chapman's user avatar
1 vote

Can all induced maps be described categorically.?. (or at least as generally as possible)

The key word in this context is functor. The point is that homology, homotopy etc. are functors. For example consider homology $H_n$. This is a functor from the category of topological spaces to the c …
Robin Chapman's user avatar
8 votes

Homology of koszul complex is finitely generated?

If your local rings are Noetherian it's obvious. The Koszul complex consists of finitely generated free modules and the homology modules are subquotients of it so also finitely generated. For non-Noe …
Robin Chapman's user avatar
8 votes

Are submodules of free modules free?

Another example: let $R=k[x,y]$ where $k$ is a field. Then $R$ is a free module over itself, and the ideal $I$ of $R$ generated by $x$ and $y$ is not only not free over $R$, it is not even flat over $ …
Robin Chapman's user avatar
23 votes

Why is an elliptic curve a group?

A proof I like is that the group of points on the curve is the classgroup of the ring $R=k[x,\sqrt{x^3+Ax+B}]$ where $k$ is the field you're working over. Set $y=\sqrt{x^3+Ax+B}\in R$ and let $K$ deno …
Robin Chapman's user avatar