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Algebraic varieties, stacks, sheaves, schemes, moduli spaces, complex geometry, quantum cohomology.

3 votes

Cohomology of $t$-torsion subsheaf

$\def\C{\mathbb{C}}\def\OO{\mathcal{O}}\def\cL{\mathcal{E}}\def\cF{\mathcal{F}}$Let $X_0$ be a variety over $\C$ and $X=X_0\times_{\C}R$. Denote by $i:X_0\to X$ the obvious closed immersion. Let $\cL …
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6 votes

Dominant map from affine space implies unirationality

It seems to me that the following arguement doses not depend on characteristic. Consider a general fiber of $\varphi:\mathbb{A}^N\dashrightarrow X$. Take its closure in $\mathbb{P}^N$. It is a subvari …
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2 votes

Infinitely many rigid and non-rigid reductions $\mathrm{mod}\:p$

$\newcommand{\bQ}{\mathbb{Q}}\newcommand{\bZ}{\mathbb{Z}}\newcommand{\fp}{\mathfrak{p}}\newcommand{\bF}{\mathbb{F}}\newcommand{\bP}{\mathbb{P}}$Here is a variation on the theme of Will Sawin's answer …
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2 votes

Reconstruct a variety from the category of locally free sheaves

$\newcommand\Vect{\mathit{Vect}}\newcommand\Hom{\mathit{Hom}}$At least the birational tyie of a smooth projective variety can be recovered from the monoidal category of vector bundles on it. (the prev …
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3 votes

Tame representation associated to wild ramifications

If the base field $k$ is algebraically closed then a section exists because of a group-theoretic property of the tame fundamental group (considering this question over an algebraically closed field $k …
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6 votes

Coefficients of the characteristic polynomial of the map on algebraic de Rham cohomology

Suppose that $\mathrm{char}\, k=p>0$. It is easy to give an example of a stack $V$ with an endomorphism that violates this property. Take $V=B\alpha_p$, the scaling action of $\mathbb{G}_m$ on $\alpha …
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6 votes

Elementary examples of the Weil conjectures

Any variety which admits a cell decomposition gives an example. Cell decomposition of $X$ is a stratification $X=\bigcup\limits_n X^n$ such that $X^n\setminus X^{n-1}=\coprod\limits_{i=1}^{k_n}\mathbb …
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2 votes

Non-isomorphic varieties over a $p$-adic field with isomorphic analytifications

It seems possible to adapt Kim's example to the p-adic setting, although there is a significant discrepancy in how Picard groups of affine curves behave. We want to construct a non-trivial line bundle …
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4 votes

Simpson's motivicity conjecture

I'm not sure if this is the kind of evidence you are looking for, but since you mention the Fontaine-Mazur conjecture, let me remark that the relative version of the Fontaine-Mazur conjecture implies …
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3 votes

Involution action on Brauer group of an abelian variety

$\newcommand{\bG}{\mathbb{G}}$Let $X$ be any smooth scheme over an algebraically closed field $k$ of characteristic $p$. From the short exact sequence $0\to\mu_p\to \bG_m\to\bG_m\to 0$ of sheaves on t …
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11 votes

Printing omission in Mumford's "Lectures on Curves on an Algebraic Surface"

In the Russian edition it is $$(\xi_0,\xi_1,\xi_2,\dots)\leftrightarrow f(\xi_0)+pf(\xi_1)+p^2f(\xi_2)+\dots$$ where $f$ is the Teichmuller map.
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11 votes

Can non-split extension be isomorphic to the split one as objects

$\newcommand{\cO}{\mathcal{O}}$Consider exact sequence of trivial vector bundles $$0\to\cO\xrightarrow{\left(\begin{matrix}x \\ y\end{matrix}\right)}\cO\oplus\cO\xrightarrow{\left(\begin{matrix}y & -x …
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4 votes

Is the vector bundle over a vector bundle, a vector bundle over the base scheme?

$\newcommand{\Spec}{\mathrm{Spec}\,}\newcommand{\cO}{{\cal{O}}}\newcommand{\cE}{{\cal{E}}}\DeclareMathOperator{\Sect}{Sect}$Here is an example where $\pi:E'\to X$ cannot be given a structure of a vect …
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7 votes
0 answers

Failure of integral comparison between crystalline and de Rham cohomology over a highly rami...

Let $K$ be a finite extension of $\mathbb{Q}_p$ with the ring of integers $\mathcal{O}_K$ and the residue field $k$. By a theorem of Berthelot and Ogus( …
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9 votes

Bundle over $\mathbb{C}^{n}\setminus{0}$

$\newcommand{tot}{\mathbb{C}^n\setminus 0}\newcommand{tan}{\mathcal{T}_{\mathbb{P}^{n-1}}}$ Since morphism $\pi$ is affine, for any quasicoherent sheaf $\mathcal{F}$ on $\mathbb{C}^n\setminus 0$ its h …
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