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Complex geometry is the study of complex manifolds, complex algebraic varieties, complex analytic spaces, and, by extension, of almost complex structures. It is a part of differential geometry, algebraic geometry and analytic geometry.

5 votes
1 answer

Quillen metric definition

I am confused as to why a regularised determinant is used in the definition of Quillen's metric on the determinant line bundle defined over the space of $\bar{\partial}$ operators on a (hermitian) vec …
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4 votes
2 answers

Branched covers of compact Riemann surfaces

Let $S$ be a compact R.S of genus $\geq 2$. In the paper "Stable and unitary vector bundles on compact Riemann surfaces" (by Narasimhan and Seshadri), they claim that there is a branched covering map …
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Equivariant Kodaira embedding

Suppose $X$ is a compact complex manifold acted upon by biholomorphisms by a complex Lie group. Suppose $L$ is an equivariant line bundle which is also ample (in the sense that it admits an equivarian …
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2 votes
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Why only the first two Chern classes in the BMY and KL inequalities?

The Bogomolov-Miyaoka-Yau inequality for compact complex manifolds with ample canonical bundle and the Kobayashi-Lubke inequality for holomorphic stable vector bundles involve the first two Chern clas …
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6 votes
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A non-elliptic PDE

I wish to know if this PDE can be solved (for a real smooth function $\rho$) on a compact complex surface X : $\bar{\partial}\partial \rho \wedge \bar{\partial}\partial \rho + \bar{\partial}\partial …
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7 votes
5 answers

An example of a complex manifold without a finite open cover

Are there non-compact complex manifolds that a) Don't embed in C^n (holomorphically) and b) Cannot be covered by a finite number of coordinate open sets? If b) can be satisfied, then I think so can a) …
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Atiyah-Bott Yang-Mills connections

In Atiyah-Bott's paper on Yang-Mills equations on Riemann surfaces, a special case of what they do is to prove that Unitary Yang-Mills connections over a R.S $M$ are in bijective correspondence with u …
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1 vote
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Holomorphic h-principle for compact manifolds

The Oka principle for Stein manifolds says (roughly) that the only obstructions for "things" are topological obstructions (for instance every smooth complex vector bundle admits a holomorphic structur …
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2 votes
1 answer

Number of semistable subbundles of a semistable bundle

Is the following true ? If so, is there a quick proof of it ? (Perhaps using the uniqueness of the graded object associated to a Jordan-Holder filtration or maybe otherwise) Suppose $E$ is an $\omega …
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Is every curve on a projective three-fold a homology-theoretic complete intersection of sorts?

Let $C$ be a curve on a smooth projective three-fold $M$ equipped with the restriction of the Fubini-Study metric $\omega$. I'd like to know if there exists a surface $S$ such that for every closed $( …
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6 votes
1 answer

Chern classes generating cohomology

The fact that Chern classes are Hodge classes (and are rational combinations of algebraic cycles) is a part of the proof of the "Gauss Bonnet theorem" (as given in Griffiths and Harris). So my questio …
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20 votes
5 answers

Griffiths and Harris reference

Trying to read the section on Poincare duality from Griffiths and Harris is a nightmare. I want to know if there is a place where Poincare duality and intersection theory are done cleanly and rigorous …
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11 votes
2 answers

$\partial \bar{\partial}$ lemma for contractible domains

Question. Is every $(p, \, p)$ closed form ($p\geq1$) in a contractible open set of $\mathbb{C}^n$ $\partial \bar{\partial}$ exact? We know that every $d$-exact $(p, \,p)$-form on a compact Kahl …
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3 votes
1 answer

A (non-Kahler) metric on projectivised vector bundles

Given a hermitian holomorphic vector bundle (E, h) on a complex manifold-with-a-metric (X,g), then consider the following (natural) construction of a metric on the total space of $\mathbb{P}(E)$ : Fir …
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4 votes
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Chern-Weil theory for coherent subsheaves

If $(E,h)$ is a holomorphic vector bundle over a compact complex manifold $M$ (which is a projective variety), and $S$ is a coherent subsheaf of $M$, then $S$ is secretly a holomorphic vector bundle o …
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