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Birational geometry is a field of algebraic geometry the goal of which is to determine when two algebraic varieties are isomorphic outside lower-dimensional subsets. This amounts to studying mappings that are given by rational functions rather than polynomials; the map may fail to be defined where the rational functions have poles.

3 votes

Blowing up of a singular subvariety

Just blow up the singular point in a variety $X_1$ which is obtained from a smooth, irreducible manifold $X$ by identifying points $x$ and $y$. The blow-up divisor is ${\Bbb P} T_xX\coprod {\Bbb P}T_y …
Misha Verbitsky's user avatar
1 vote

K3 surfaces and density of rational curves

Rational curves are dense on K3 for all K3 outside of a Baire set (countable union of closed, nowhere dense). Here is the reference:, Density of Rational Curves on K3 S …
Misha Verbitsky's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

fibers of birational contraction for complex manifolds - are they Moishezon?

Let $X$ be a smooth complex manifold and $\phi:\; X \mapsto Y$ a proper holomorphic map which is birational ("birational contraction"), and $Z= \phi^{-1}(y)$ its fiber in a point $y$. The variety $Y$ …
Misha Verbitsky's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Existence of a rational curve in the center of a birational contraction for symplectic singu...

Let $M$ be a holomorphically symplectic complex manifold, and $f: M \to X$ a holomorphic, birational contraction to a Stein variety $X$, contracting a subvariety $E$ to a point, and bijective outside …
Misha Verbitsky's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Does a resolution of a rational singularity have rationally connected fibers?

A rational singularity is a singularity of a complex variety $X$ such that for any resolution $\pi:\; \tilde X\rightarrow X$ the higher direct images $R^i\pi_*(O_{\tilde X})$ vanish for all $i>0$. Sup …
Misha Verbitsky's user avatar