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Enumerative combinatorics, graph theory, order theory, posets, matroids, designs and other discrete structures. It also includes algebraic, analytic and probabilistic combinatorics.

8 votes

Tiling a rectangle with a hint of magic

There is an unpublished note on this theorem from 1987 by Edgser W. Dijkstra, On a Problem transmitted by Doug McIlroy, see also this summary. He explains how the proof that uses complex double integr …
Günter Rote's user avatar
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3 votes

All possible linear combinations of positive half-integers with coefficients +/- 1

Indeed it is the Subset Sum Problem (or closely related to it). This problem asks essentially whether $\mu(P)>0$. It is only weakly NP-complete, and there is a pseudopolynomial dynamic-programming alg …
Günter Rote's user avatar
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1 vote

Algorithm to solve Sokoban-like game on graphs - move chips from one set of vertices to another

The better analogy when the markers are distinct is not Sokoban, but the 15-puzzle. It is even on an undirected graph. All my remarks below are about the undirected version. ADDITION: At the end ther …
Günter Rote's user avatar
  • 1,083
4 votes

Minimal graphs with a prescribed number of spanning trees

No answer, but a related question: The number $n$ of spanning trees in a graph with $k+1$ vertices is the determinant of a $k\times k$ matrix with integer entries between $-1$ and $k$. For given $ …
6 votes

Algorithm to solve Sokoban-like game on graphs - move chips from one set of vertices to another

Here is a polynomial-time algorithm. I assume that the chips are identical, as in Dima's reformulation and in Sokoban. (Another version would be that the chip from Init$_i$ has to go to Final$_i$, for …
Günter Rote's user avatar
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8 votes

Is the empty graph a tree?

I checked Reinhard Diestel's textbook on Graph Theory. p.2 A graph of order 0 or 1 is called trivial. Sometimes, e.g. to start an induction, trivial graphs can be useful; at other times they form sil …
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