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definability by formulas in first-order logic, e.g. as explained at, or as in J. Robinson's first-order definition of the integers in the field of rationals

19 votes
2 answers

Is the theory of a partial order bi-interpretable with the theory of a pre-order?

A partial order relation $\leq$ on a set $A$ is a binary relation that is reflexive, transitive, and antisymmetric. A preorder relation $\unlhd$ (also sometimes known as a quasi order or pseudo order) …
11 votes

Complexity of definable global choice functions

There is no such phenomenom for $n\geq 2$. The reason is that if a model of ZFC has a definable choice function, of any complexity, then it actually has one of complexity $\Delta_2$. This is because t …
Joel David Hamkins's user avatar
4 votes

Definability in pure-second order logic

Let me try to help by explicating the argument Noah mentioned. I think this is part of logic folklore—it amounts at bottom to the facts that every permutation of a pure set is an isomorphism, and isom …
Joel David Hamkins's user avatar
10 votes

Why include $0$ and $1$ in the signature of Presburger arithmetic?

It is the same in Peano arithmetic, where the standard language is $\{+,\cdot,0,1,<\}$ for the standard model $\langle\mathbb{N},+,\cdot,0,1,<\rangle$, even though $0$, $1$, and $<$ are definable from …
Joel David Hamkins's user avatar
25 votes

Non-definability of graph 3-colorability in first-order logic

Here is one way to do it. 2-colorability case. First let's warm up with the 2-colorability case. Notice that odd-length cycles are not 2-colorable, since the colors have to alternate as you go around …
Joel David Hamkins's user avatar
6 votes

Does V=HOD prove all kinds of consistent universal hereditary definability?

The answer is no. Indeed, one can rarely move from consistency to truth in this way. For a counterexample, let $Q(v)$ be the property "CH holds and $v$ is an ordinal." If CH holds, then $Q$ expresses …
Joel David Hamkins's user avatar
6 votes

Can we state $\sf V=HOD$ using a single ordinal parameter(other than the formula code)?

Yes, because there is a definable ordinal pairing function. Specifically, if you want to get the set $\{y\in V_\theta\mid V_\theta\models\varphi(y,\alpha)\}$, then let $\beta=\langle\theta,\alpha\rang …
Joel David Hamkins's user avatar
15 votes

Can $L$ be defined without parameters?

Yes, the parameter-free version of $L$ gives rise to the same constructible universe $L$. You will still get all of $L$ this way, but it will come more slowly. The reason is that at stage $\alpha+1$, …
Joel David Hamkins's user avatar
3 votes

Does adding definability axiom expressed in infinitary language to ZF, let all models be poi...

And yes, clearly every model of your theory is pointwise definable (in the first-order language), because that is precisely what your axiom of definability asserts. …
Joel David Hamkins's user avatar
7 votes

Are all constructible from below sets parameter free definable?

There are two issues with your question. First, your statement "in other words" is not correct, since there are theories whose models have the property that whenever a statement holds of every paramet …
Joel David Hamkins's user avatar
6 votes

Terminology for ordinals whose constructible level is the least one satisfying some formula

Let me say first that your concept is similar in spirit to the notion of sententially categorical cardinal appearing in my joint paper J. D. Hamkins and R. Solberg, Categorical large cardinals and th …
Joel David Hamkins's user avatar
7 votes

Is ordinal definability in terms of stages of cumulative size hierarchy equivalent to the us...

I view it as a kind of lucky miracle that ordinal-definability doesn't stumble on this problem.) So this version aligns with the usual version of HOD. Conclusion. …
Joel David Hamkins's user avatar
2 votes

Is there a model of each of the following kinds of theories in the first transitive model of...

The answer to question 1 is no, because the theory of the minimal transitive model itself is parameter-free definable as that theory, and in the other answer I explained why this theory is not an elem …
Joel David Hamkins's user avatar
11 votes

Are no infinite subsets of the set of all propositional atoms definable in this structure, e...

It's a nice question. This Boolean algebra, known as the Lindenbaum algebra, is a countable atomless Boolean algebra — it is atomless because we can always take the conjunction of any formula with a n …
Joel David Hamkins's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

Is there a simple instance of intransitivity for implicit definability?

This question continues the theme of some recent questions on implicit definability. … The main original question was whether implicit definability is transitive. Main Question 1. Is the implicitly-definable-over relation transitive? …

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