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An algebraic surface is an algebraic variety of dimension two. In the case of geometry over the field of complex numbers, an algebraic surface has complex dimension two (as a complex manifold, when it is non-singular) and so of dimension four as a smooth manifold.

5 votes

every involution of an Enriques surface is

Yes! However, as Rita, Torsten and Ru pointed out, my first ideas were too simple-minded. Although this makes the remarks by them somewhat unreadable, let me give the corrected answer: So, let $X$ be …
Michael Albanese's user avatar
4 votes

Quotients of rational surfaces

Just to round out the picture: if the characteristic of $k$ is positive and $G$ is a finite, but non-reduced group scheme (for example, the infinitesimal group scheme $\mu_p$ of $p$.the roots of unity …
Christian Liedtke's user avatar
10 votes

Divisorial contraction: when is the image an algebraic space or a stack?

In order to have a contraction morphism $X\to Y$, the intersection matrix must be negative definite. Conversely, if the intersection matrix is negative definite, the contraction morphism exists in th …
Christian Liedtke's user avatar
10 votes

Generalisations of Riemann-Roch for surfaces

The adjunction formula in the form $$ \omega_C \cong \omega_X(C)|_C $$ holds whenever $C$ is a Cartier divisor on a Gorenstein scheme $X$. Taking Euler characteristics, you get an extremely general g …
Christian Liedtke's user avatar