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Questions designed to generate a "big list" of certain results, examples, conjectures, etc. via many individual answers, each contributing one or a few instances. Such a question should typically be in Community Wiki mode (CW); after asking, please, flag for moderators attention requesting the question to be made CW.

17 votes

What are the most overloaded words in mathematics?

Natural Very often I read things like "Now, it is natural to ask...", ""X is a natural generalization of Y" or "A natural question is..." when the problems are by no means natural, and the feeling of …
3 votes

Individual mathematical objects whose study amounts to a (sub)discipline?

The Erdos-Renyi random graph model $G(n,p)$ - a single, concrete model that more or less created the field of random graph theory and is still studied.
14 votes

What is the first interesting theorem in (insert subject here)?

Functional analysis: the open mapping theorem.
1 vote

Short Course Suggestions For High School Students

I have successfully taught a course for gifted high school students (somewhat shorter than yours, about 9 hours) devoted to the probabilistic method (based, naturally, on Alon and Spencer + some other …
11 votes

Are there any good websites for hosting discussions of mathematical papers?

You can try SciRate (, a site that allows you to rate and comment papers from Arxiv (it updates the list of papers automatically). It doesn't seem to be very popular, though (lack …
37 votes

Most memorable titles

"I know I should have taken that left turn at Albuquerque" by Gady Kozma and Ariel Yadin (