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Homotopy theory is an important sub-field of algebraic topology. It is mainly concerned with the properties and structures of spaces which are invariant under homotopy. Chief among these are the homotopy groups of spaces, specifically those of spheres. Homotopy theory includes a broad set of ideas and techniques, such as cohomology theories, spectra and stable homotopy theory, model categories, spectral sequences, and classifying spaces.

6 votes

What does $\mathrm{Conf}_n(M)^{h S_n}$ look like?

[UPDATE: Connor Malin's answer is definitely better than mine, but I will leave mine here in case the approach turns out to be useful for some other purpose.] Put $X=\operatorname{Conf}_n(M)$ and $Y=\ …
Neil Strickland's user avatar
6 votes

Euler class in center of mod 2 Morava K-theory?

Yes, there are various ways to see this. One approach is to say that in $K(n)$-theory we always have $ab-ba=v_nQ(a)Q(b)$ for a certain Bockstein-type operation $Q$ of odd degree $2^n-1$, so any eleme …
Neil Strickland's user avatar
7 votes

Homotopy of Brown-Gitler spectra

This is not an answer but perhaps gives interesting context. The Brown-Gitler spectra are (up to suspension) wedge summands in the spectrum $\Sigma^\infty_+\Omega^2S^3$. Up to homotopy there is a un …
Neil Strickland's user avatar
9 votes

Are there “nice” explicit representations of infinite order elements in $\pi_{4n-1}(S^{2n})$

You can write an explicit formula as follows. Consider a pair of finite-dimensional inner product spaces $U$ and $V$. We can define a map $$ f\colon S(U\oplus V) \to S(U\oplus\mathbb{R})\vee S(V\opl …
Neil Strickland's user avatar
6 votes

Two $E_\infty$ structures on infinite matrices

First note that if $f\colon\mathbb{R}^\infty\to\mathbb{R}^\infty$ is a linear isometric embedding and $u\in O(n)\leq O$ we can define $f_*(u)\in O$ by $f_*(u)(f(x))=f(u(x))$ when $x\in\mathbb{R}^n$ an …
Neil Strickland's user avatar
3 votes

The complex $K$-theory of the Thom spectrum $MU$

For a more self-contained answer, let $L$ be the tautological line bundle over $\mathbb{C}P^\infty$. This gives a class $x=[L]-[1]\in\widetilde{K}^0(\mathbb{C}P^\infty)$. It is standard that $K^0(\m …
Neil Strickland's user avatar
7 votes

Homotopy groups of $K(n)$-local $E_n$-modules are $L$-complete

The identity map of $S/I$ satisfies $I_n^r.1_{S/I}=0$ for $r\gg 0$, so $I_n^r.\pi_k(M\wedge S/I)=0$ for $r\gg 0$, so $\pi_k(M\wedge S/I)$ is $L$-complete. The spectra $S/I$ can be assembled into a to …
Neil Strickland's user avatar
10 votes

Can we prove that any number of algebraic data cannot be a complete invariant of a homotopy ...

I'll answer the corresponding question for the homotopy category $\mathcal{S}$ of spectra. I doubt that this makes much difference, but I have not checked the details. We can choose a list $X_0,X_1, …
Neil Strickland's user avatar
2 votes

Geometric realization of a poset

Put $P_0=\{1,\dotsc,n-k-1\}$ and $P_1=\{n-k,\dotsc,j-1\}$ and $P_2=\{j,\dotsc,n\}$, so $[n]=P_0\amalg P_1\amalg P_2$ with each $P_i$ nonempty. Any subset $U$ can be decomposed as $\coprod_{i=0}^2U_i$ …
Neil Strickland's user avatar
6 votes

Homotopy type of the geometric realization of a poset

First recall that geometric realisation of posets preserves products: the projections $P\xleftarrow{p}P\times Q\xrightarrow{q}Q$ give a map $(|p|,|q|)\colon |P\times Q|\to|P|\times|Q|$, and it is a st …
Neil Strickland's user avatar
13 votes

Why the stable module category?

One reason is just that $\text{stab}_{kG}(k,M)_*=\widehat{H}^{-*}(g;M)$ (the Tate cohomology of $G$ with coefficients in $M$). I think that Tate invented Tate cohomology for applications in Class Fie …
Neil Strickland's user avatar
7 votes

If $A_\ast$ has a Künneth theorem, then is $A$ a module over Morava $K$-theory?

If you want $K(h)_*$ to be strong monoidal, then you need the target category to be the category of graded $K(h)_*$-modules, not the category of graded abelian groups. Thus, I assume you are really a …
Neil Strickland's user avatar
11 votes

Are Chern classes well defined up to contractible choice?

I think that the best approach is to use the construction in the 1993 paper "Algebraic cycles and infinite loop spaces", which I learned about from this answer by Jeremy Hahn. To explain the context, …
Neil Strickland's user avatar
10 votes

How to construct $X \oplus \Sigma X$ from $X \oplus \Sigma X \oplus \Sigma X \oplus \Sigma^2...

The cofibre of $0\oplus 1\oplus 1\oplus 1$ on $X=Z\oplus \Sigma Z\oplus\Sigma Z\oplus\Sigma^2Z$ is $Z\oplus\Sigma Z=Y$.
Neil Strickland's user avatar
15 votes

Cobordism cohomology of Lie groups

Firstly, for any space $X$ we have an Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectral sequence $$ H^p(X;MU^q) \Longrightarrow MU^{p+q}(X). $$ The differentials are always torsion-valued, essentially because the higher sta …
Neil Strickland's user avatar

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