Let $V:[0,\infty) \to[0,\infty)$ be convex, $C^2$ with $V(0)=0$. Define $F(u): = uV'(u)-V(u) $. Let $v\in L^1 (\Bbb R^d)$, $v\geq0$ so that $F\circ v\in L^1 (\Bbb R^d)$. For fixed $\varepsilon>0$, assume that $u_t$ and $u'_t$ satisfies the generalized porous medium equations \begin{align*} \partial_t u_t= \Delta (F\circ u_t +\varepsilon u_t),& \qquad u_0= v\\ \partial_t u'_t= \Delta (F\circ u'_t),& \qquad u_0= v \end{align*} in the weak sense.
1- Does it holds that in the Fourier variable we have the following comparison $|\widehat{u'_t}(\xi)|\leq|\widehat{u_t}(\xi)| $ for all $\xi\in \R^d$ (or the converse inequality)? By passing into Fourier variables and differentiating $|\widehat{u_t}(\xi)|^2 $ and $|\widehat{u'_t}(\xi)|^2$ respectively, gives
\begin{align*} \partial_t |\widehat{u_t}(\xi)|^2 &= -2|\xi|^2\operatorname{Re}\big(\overline{\widehat{u_t}}(\xi) \widehat{F\circ u_t}(\xi)\big) -2\varepsilon|\xi|^2 |\widehat{u_t}(\xi)|^2\\ \partial_t |\widehat{u'_t}(\xi)|^2&= -2|\xi|^2\operatorname{Re}\big(\overline{\widehat{u'_t}}(\xi) \widehat{F\circ u'_t}(\xi)\big) \end{align*} with $\widehat{u_0}(\xi)= \widehat{u'_0}(\xi)= \widehat{v}(\xi)$. Therefore it would be enough to show compare $\partial_t |\widehat{u'_t}(\xi)|^2$ and $\partial_t |\widehat{u_t}(\xi)|^2. $ \begin{align*} \partial_t |\widehat{u'_t}(\xi)|^2 \leq \partial_t |\widehat{u_t}(\xi)|^2. \end{align*}
2- For $u\geq0$ and integrable, do we have that \begin{align*} \operatorname{Re}\big(\overline{\widehat{u}}(\xi) \widehat{F\circ u}(\xi)\big)\geq0\qquad\text{for all $\xi\in \Bbb R^d$} \end{align*} Note that for $\tilde{u}(x)=u(-x)$, \begin{align*} \operatorname{Re}\big(\overline{\widehat{u}}(\xi) \widehat{F\circ u}(\xi)\big)= \operatorname{Re}\big( \widehat{\tilde{u}* F\circ u}(\xi)\big)= \widehat{\tilde{u}* F\circ u}(\xi)\big)+ \widehat{F\circ \tilde{u}* u}(\xi)\big). \end{align*} Any idea, partial answer or reference it warmly appreciated.