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Practical example of Hamiltonian reduction

I know what is the Liouville integrability: given a Hamiltonian with $n$ degrees of freedom, with $n$ independent constants of motion in involution, the Hamiltonian can be brought to the form $H(p_1, \dots, p_n)$ (i.e. independent on the $q$s) by a canonical transformation.

Many persons told me that something similar can be done in the case of one constant of motion, i.e., given a Hamiltonian, if we know that it has one constant of motion (independent on $H$ itself), then we bring the Hamiltonian to the form $H(p_1, q_1, \dots, p_{n-1}, q_{n-1}, p_n)$ (i.e. we remove the dependence on one of the $q$s, $q_n$) by means of a canonical transformation.

It should be called "Hamiltonian reduction", however, no one was able to provide me a reference.

Someone says that this is called "Marsden-Weinstein-Meyer reduction". I tried to read the corresponding theorem but it looks something different, moreover, it is written in a very technical way, too hard for a simple physicist like me. I found this, saying "reduction by stages", but it refers to a completely different idea of "stages", not the reduction of the degrees one by one.

So, I'm looking for one of the following: a reference where I can find the theorem (clearly stated in terms of Hamiltonians and constants of motion), or an example of how to carry out the reduction (also in this case, giving an explicit Hamiltonian and an explicity constant of motion).