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Some curves on the Jacobian of a genus $2$ curve and their image under certain maps (char $p$)

I hope this question belongs here. The situation in this question is quite particular and specific.

I am trying to weak some of theory to measure the degree of some function on the Jacobian of a genus $2$ curve which is a rational function when restricted to certain curves inside the Jacobian.

I am currently using this degree for a bigger purpose, but there are "possible situations" where this rational function "may be constant". I have control of this when it it is constant $0$ or $\infty$. I claim this rational function when constant, it cannot be different from $0$ or $\infty$ when restricted to my curves.

Let $H/\mathbb{F}_q$ be a genus $2$ curve given by $y^2 = f(x)$ with $f$ of degree $5$ and $J$ its Jacobian with generic point $[(x_1,y_1)+(x_2,y_2)-2\infty]$.

Let $\Theta\subset J$ be the image of the map $\alpha:H\to J$ given by $(x,y)\mapsto [(x,y)-\infty]$. Consider $\Phi_n:=\phi+[n]\in \text{End}(J)$ ($q$Frobenius + $n$ map), and suppose that it is non-constant. Further, since $\Phi_n$ is non-constant, consider the curves $\Theta_n=\Phi_n(\Theta)\subset J$.

Let $\kappa:J\to \mathbb{P}^3$ be the $2:1$ map that realizes a surface $K$ birational to the Kummer surface via a basis of $\mathcal{L}(2\Theta)$ given by $\kappa_1:=1, \kappa_2:=x_1+x_2, \kappa_3=x_1x_2$ and $\kappa_4=\tfrac{F_0(x_1,x_2)-2y_1y_2}{(x_1-x_2)^2}$. This is a standard basis of symmetric-even functions in $J$ used in the literature to study the Kummer Surface associated to $J$ (e.g. Cassels and Flynn).

My claim is that if $\mathfrak{g}_n$ is the generic point of $\Theta_n$ and $\kappa_4(\mathfrak{g}_n)=c$ (is constant) then $c=0$ or $\infty$ which implies that $\Theta_n$ is a zero or a pole ($\Theta_n=\Theta$) of $\text{div}(\kappa_4)\in \text{Div}(J)$.

I believe in this claim since $\Theta_n$ is a curve and is symmetric with respect to $[-1]\in\text{Aut}(J)$. Generically, $\kappa_4|_{\Theta_n}$ is a rational function in $x$ since $\Theta_n$ is symmetric with respect to $[-1]^*$ (hyperelliptic involution extended to $J$) and its degree is well defined. This degree is the integer that I am using.

I have been studying the fibers $\kappa_4^{-1}(c)$ with $c\not\in\{0,\infty\}$ without success in order to prove that the generic point of the fiber cannot be of the form of $\Theta_n$. What I know about $\Theta_n$ is that is of course symmetric with respect to $[-1]\in\text{Aut}(J)$, smooth and irreducible ($\Theta$ is). Moreover, all the points of $J$ of the form $[2P-2\infty]$ are zeroes of $\kappa_4$, that is the "diagonal" in $J$ is in the divisor of zeros of $\kappa_4$. So, $\kappa_4|_{\Theta_n}$ being constant $c$ must contradict some geometrical feature of $\Theta_n$.

Motivating example.

Let $H:y^2 = x^5 - 5x$ over $\mathbb{F}_{49}$. we have that $\phi=-[7]\in \text{End}(J)$ therefore $\Phi_9=\phi+9=[2]$ and $\kappa_4(\Phi_9(\Theta))=\kappa_4([2](\Theta))=0$.

I have not succeeded constructing an example where $\kappa_4(\Phi_n)(\Theta)=c\neq 0$, or I cannot justify that this cannot happen.