Littlewood established that $2e^{\gamma} \geq \limsup_{t \to \infty} |\zeta(1+it)| / \log{\log{t}} \geq e^{\gamma}$, the lower bound unconditionally and the upper bound on RH. It now seems to be generally believed that the lower bound represents the truth, and even, in the most optimistic form, that quite possibly there is an absolute constant $C$ such that $|\zeta(1+it)| \leq e^{\gamma}(\log{\log{t}} + \log{\log{\log{t}}}+C)$ for all $t > 10$.
Suppose in these questions that we replace $|\zeta(1+it)|$ by $$ B(t) := \max_k \Big| \sum_{n=1}^k n^{-1-it} \Big|, \quad \textrm{ resp. } \widetilde{B}(t):= \max_{m,k} \Big| \sum_{n=m}^k n^{-1-it} \Big|, $$ the largest partial sums, respectively the largest subsum over all intervals.
Does Littlewood's RH result extend to $B$ or even $\widetilde{B}$? That is: should the exponential sums bound $\widetilde{B}(t) \leq (2e^{\gamma} + o(1))\log{\log{t}}$, as $t \to \infty$ (or say just $O(\log{\log{t}})$), be possible to prove on RH, or is it discussed anywhere in the literature? And would it be reasonable to expect anything as strong as $\widetilde{B}(t) \leq e^{\gamma}(\log{\log{t}} + \log{\log{\log{t}}}+C)$, for all $t$?
There are evident versions of this question for $L(1,\chi)$, $\frac{\zeta'}{\zeta}(1+it)$ and $\frac{L'}{L}(1,\chi)$. In the last of these, the strongest bound seems to tie well with the belief that the smallest quadratic non-residue mod $q$ is $\ll \log{q}\log{\log{q}}$ -- which it certainly implies, at least when $q$ is prime.