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Minimal set of geometric moves in various equivalence classes of triangulated geometries

I would like to get to know what is the minimal set of geometric changes "aka. moves" (topology preserving modifications / Pachner moves / bistellar moves) that can transform any 3-...
Kregnach's user avatar
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3-manifolds with stacked links

Stacked spheres A triangulation of a 2-dimensional sphere is called a stacked sphere if it is obtained inductively from the boundary of a 3-simplex by deleting a 2-face (triangle) $T$ adding a new ...
Gil Kalai's user avatar
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Properties a triangulation must have in order to describe a manifold

I am mainly interested in the $3$-dimensional case. It is a well-known fact, following from the work of E. E. Moise and R. H. Bing in the 1950s, that every $3$-dimensional topological manifold (with ...
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