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12 votes
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What is known about G. A. Croes

G. A. Croes is the author of the first description of the 2-opt moves heuristic for improving non-optimal traveling salesman tours: Croes, G. A. “A Method for Solving Traveling-Salesman Problems.” ...
1 vote
1 answer

$\mathrm{LP}$ formulation for $\mathrm{k}$-$\operatorname{opt}$ moves

$\mathrm{k}$-$\operatorname{opt}$ moves are an idea to improve non-optimal Hamilton cycles in weighted symmetric graphs by exchanging $\mathrm{k}$ tour-edges with $\mathrm{k}$ edges that do not belong ...
2 votes
1 answer

Constructing optimal Hamilton cycles from optimal Hamilton paths

Question: can the shortest Hamilton cycle in a complete symmetric graph with weighted edges be constructed from the shortest Hamilton path in the same graph by connecting its ends and then exchanging ...
-2 votes
2 answers

Greedy euclidean tour expansion - a case of unexpected hanging?

In the euclidean plane an common heuristic for the TSP is to start with the convex hull of the point set and then successively integrate as the next point and insertion position the combination that ...
0 votes
0 answers

Are there any examples of "autonomous" TSP heuristics

By "autonomous" TSP heuristic I mean algorithms whose reported edge-set for a short Hamilton cycle is invariant under the addition of vertex weights; the terminology is borrowed from ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Helsgaun's $k$-Opt moves

In his 2009 paper General k-opt submoves for the Lin–Kernighan TSP heuristic, Helsgaun defines the local tour improvements on which the LKH heuristics are based as: with a cycle defined here: which ...